Friday, January 4, 2013

FREE Journal Prompts

I have always really loved to write, and loved the idea of journaling. I say idea because I have the best intentions to do so-but my intentions more often than not never turn into realized thoughts on paper. I love to purchase beautiful, discounted journals and imagine myself writing inspiring lessons of love and wisdom for my children. I mean who knows if real tangible books will be around in 30 years or if my children will even know what cursive writing is? All this to say, I found a FREE download of 52 journal prompts. So, once a week I intend to cut one of these prompts from the page, tape to my journal and start writing something insightful. I'm thinking it may prove to be fun and thought you may find so too. The link is through Paper Coterie which often has free cutsie downloads to keep an eye out for. Find the journal prompts here:

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