Monday, March 18, 2013

Easy DIY Compost Bin

The best way to give your garden an organic boost is to add your own home grown compost to your soil. This is as simple as keeping a container on your kitchen counter to place all of your vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, paper & egg shells in and then carrying it out to your compost bin which would have your leaves and grass clippings in as well. Compost bins can be pretty pricey-until now. We spent $15 on a new trash can and lid then simply drilled holes down the sides and on the bottom for the organic matter to breathe. Every few days, put a bungee cord on the top to secure lid, tip the bin on it's side and roll around in the yard to mix your compost. Easy on the eyes, good for your crop, cheap & good exercise! If you are curious for more information, there is a great book, Composting For Dummies for a few dollars on Amazon that will educate you on the matter. 

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