
My name is Shannon Marie Bennett. I am a wife and mother of two toddlers. Through the passing down of genes from several generations, I have inherited a passion for the frugal life. My GranGran, Willie Belle Frierson, was a Southern woman of wisdom and generosity during the depression era. She taught young women how to make the most of a dollar by re-purposing, recycling &  reviving the ordinary into the extraordinary. From curtains to catalogs, to brown paper bags, nothing was ever really what it seemed. My Grandaddy still clips coupons at the age of 85, which is where my Mom learned the trade. I have fond memories as a child of carefully clipping coupons with her on Sunday mornings, trying not to cut off the expiration date. So, here I am today, making the most out of my life, from the frugal wisdom passed down to me, sharing with you. Merry, Mary, Marry you ask? Well, Merry defined as joy, Mary being the Mother of Jesus, and Marry as related to being a loving wife are the attributes I will shine upon while making the most out of what's in life. I am a fun, creative woman who stretches a dollar well, loves Jesus Christ, my husband, children, family and friends. I try to live as simply and naturally as possible all the while loving well. That is the gist of what you can expect to find while reading this blog. Hopefully, you will find something worth sharing!


  1. This is so cool Shannon! I never knew you had this. Loved reading it and such great tips! -Anna Hendrix
