Crazy Good Love
Have you ever heard the phrase, 'You can't choose love, love chooses you' ? I wonder about this. I met my husband when we were in the 6th grade. He was my boyfriend with whom I would hold hands in between classes, kiss at the bus zone at days end, and meet at the skating rink where he wrapped his arms around me. Then life went on, boys came and went, and we ran into each other again at the age of 20. I got butterflies from a guy that I knew when I was 12. As crazy as that sounds, within one month of that we were living together. We had a very long hard life for the next four years based on bad choices that did everything possible to break us. But, despite of all the darkness in our lives, I still loved him, and that kept the light on for me. We then met Jesus and our lives turned right side up as we learned how to love each other the way God loves us. Today my husband turns 30 and it has brought me to reflect on all of this crazy love. If anyone ever told me where I would be at this moment, I would have thought they were crazier than the life I lived. Regardless, love endures the test of time. So far, we have passed the test, always learning, always loving. My husband ROCKS and I love him crazy good. Happy Birthday Babe!
Dating Revised
With age comes wisdom. This a phrase I am beginning to understand and not simply think of as a shiny lure for life in my 30's. Looking at my life ten years ago in comparison to the here and now, I gladly notice some pretty huge changes. Specifically, one of these changes is in the form of a four letter word. Yes, I am going to say it, you may need to brace yourself... D-A-T-E. The word 'date' brings on various, colorful feelings for most of us lovely ladies. When you hear the word date, do you get nervous, excited, anxious, joyful or scared? For the old me, a date meant wining and dining, sometimes until the sun came back around shining, the next day. Money was tossed around like confetti and time was of no consideration. Honestly, it was really great! Although a date does not look the same these days, with my oh so hunky husband, they are sometimes exceedingly better. Approaching 30, some of my younger insecurities have fallen away. We can now sink into the sofa's embrace, disheveled and exhausted, side by side in front of the television's glow. Sigh. I do not need to meticulously line my eyes and hide my pimples with makeup. I do not need to shop for a new pair of shoes that will have me working overtime to pay them off, or eat less the day before to fit in my newest, sexiest dress. I do not need to do anything except be myself and be with him. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to be taken out and treated once in a while. But as crazy as it may sound, a date in our living room can sometimes be far more exciting, and much less taxing, than my date nights of old. Can anyone relate?
Different Benefit
How different are you from your spouse? My husband and I are as different as black is to white when it comes to most things. This can stir the water in my boiling pot pretty quickly if I let it. He likes chocolate, I like vanilla. He stays up late, I go to bed early. He pees standing up-well you get it right? So, we have been married 5 years now. A wise man told us before getting married that as different as God made each of us, He wants us to be a little more like the other. We believe that we were each created in God's image. If we could be a little more like each other, we would be doubly closer to the goodness of God. For instance, my husband will be a child at heart all of his days. This is a beautiful quality that God planted in his DNA. I, on the other hand, wear the serious pants-a little too tightly most days. This is one area of difference I can definitely benefit from by letting him rub off on me. The hard part is having the will to change; allowing yourself to see things differently. Easier said than done, I know-from experience. Live wild today by taking a step back and reevaluate. There's probably more to gain than realized. Who couldn't use a better marriage? I am going to go and change my pants now.
Who's Hat is That?
I've been thinking a lot about friends lately and this got me digging around in the Bible to see what God has to say about a friend. I was a little surprised that when searching back to the original Hebrew and Greek meanings of the word 'friend', the definition kept bringing me to the word 'husband.' Hmmm. This makes me stop and really think...and then just be in awe of God's plans for all of us. It is in His design for our spouse to be our friend, I would even suggest our BEST friend. I am often guilty at looking so hard for something right under my nose...friendship. I have lots of friends which I am so blessed by and I am totally not discrediting that, or any one of them. You know how you just sometimes have those emotional days or frustrating days or moments when you just want to call your friend and vent, cry, or scream (maybe all at once?) But if you are like me, sometimes a text doesn't get very far and a voice mail will not do and an email may get spammed. Let's face it, we all live busy lives and no one is at fault for doing so. All the while, I have my husband, my friend, who I could call on and in a moment's time would listen to, hold tight and love on me. I think I sometimes get wrapped in the lie of society and media that a spouse is somehow less than when the truth is that our spouse is capable of more than we realize. Yes, being married comes with a lot of hats to wear the longer the knot is tied, but we are equipped by God's sweet Spirit for any type of hat from the sombrero to the fedora. My sweet son loves to wears hats. He struts proudly around our home exclaiming, 'Hat! Hat!' with anything on his head from a colander to a brassiere. Maybe as spouses, we should be a little more childlike and dare to wear (or give) the 'Best Friend Hat'- whatever that looks like, to our spouse. I bet it fits better than we realize... probably looks pretty good too!
I love the way you talk Shannon :D Its absolutely delightful :D