Shampoop Please
If you take the time to stop and listen what a child has to say, you are bound to end up with a smile on your face at some point. Most of my daily conversation involves my 2 year old daughter and 1 year old son. My daughter washes her hair with 'Shampoop' and loves to play 'Spacketball'. What comes out of your kid's mouth that keeps you smiling?
Take a Bold Step
My son is officially walking now! He was in the bumbling baby steps phase for a while but he has decided it is much better to just stand up and go- as hard and as fast as his sweet little feet will take him. Watching his steps got me thinking about the parallel lesson here. I have moments in life where I am getting around just fine, although things can almost always get better. How often do I really make the most of things? How often do I become apathetic or numb to my state of being, not realizing how much better life can be? Because I don't want to exert the time, energy or effort to figure it out, I am actually missing out big time! Sounds pretty lazy right? I bet we could all apply this concept somewhere in our lives, whether it be spiritually, physically or even relational. Taking something to the next level can be taxing, but it is also part of what makes the accomplishment so sweet. Growth and challenge are inevitable in life, it is perspective that's the determining factor. If an area of your life came to mind while you were reading this, put it in child like perspective. Are you going to crawl your way through it on your hands and knees, or boldly stand up with hands held high and walk towards what lies ahead?
Need a Laugh?
My son, who is 14 months old, is learning to stick out his tongue. It has made me realize how far removed we get from the simple things in life. While all sitting at the dinner table, I stuck out my tongue, teaching my son to do the same. My 2 year old daughter started joining in on the fun too, then my husband. Before you know it, we all have our tongues stuck out, wiggling them fast and silly. We could not help but laugh! I am proposing you give this a try. If you need a laugh, this is a guaranteed way to get the giggles flowing quickly. Next time the dinner table conversation is a bit boring a grim, stick your tongue out and see what happens.
The Ultimate Swap
Shannon's my name and swappin's my game,
I've learned the tricks of the trade, reaping glam from the lame.
I swapped death for Life in the Love of Jesus Christ,
swapped stilettos for flats, don't swing my hips, but plastic baseball bats.
Swapped a meaningless date for a loving eternal mate,
lazy days by the pool for tiny drips of sweet baby drool.
Swapped a falsely purposed life to be a fulfilled mother and wife,
stopped living on small wage tips, found better reward in that of my husband's lips.
Swapped articles on fashion for the latest parenting mag,
leather clutches now replaced by the hallowed diaper bag.
Swapped changing my hair dye for the change of a diaper,
led by the Holy Spirit now, not lured by nice sounds of the ill fated Pied Piper.
Swapped the old life for new and didn't have a clue,
of the joy I would find in children one and two.
Got something to trade? Put it on the table,
your worst nightmare can still turn beautifully, live out your best dreamed fable.
Giraffe Sighting
As I pulled into the parking lot of the Goodwill today, my daughter shouted with genuine excitement, 'Look Mommy, a giant giraffe!' I have seen a lot of things at the Goodwill, but this is a first. I looked around us and did not see what my sweet pea was so excited about. Sadly, I did not see the giant giraffe as quickly because I was not seeing through the eyes of a child. When she pointed upwards, I saw in the distance, waaaaaay up in the sky, the long orange neck of a mechanical crane and something jutting off the top with a downwards angle, as though the 'giraffe' was looking down upon us. Wow! How much more amazing and entertaining would life be if our sight was not so clouded? Tomorrow, I am hoping to see an elephant..or maybe even a flying one!
Make the most of today because today is special! Wondering why? The very fact that you are reading this means that today you are alive and well. Life is something to be celebrated! None of us know what could be around the corner that may make this earthly day our last. Don't let today be redundant but rather special and filled with excitement. Where to start? I find that some of the purest joy comes by a selfless act of kindness. Make the most of today by giving of yourself, helping someone else realize how special they are and this day is. It is one of God's beautiful mysteries how giving actually brings fulfillment in return.
Re-purposed Clothing
Would you believe that this scarf was once a men's turtleneck? It is crazy but yes, true! As fall begins tempting us with cooler evenings and earlier rusted sunsets, my mind immediately darts to my wardrobe. Who couldn't use a new scarf? As much as I would love to run out and purchase one, sometimes the truth is, I can't. However, one of the benefits of not having much extra cash flow is the heavy flow of a creative mind! So, I purchased this shirt from a thrift store for $1.00. A men's large or extra large is ideal for a good long scarf. I also felt a million shirts between my fingers to find one that was both stretchy and soft. If you have one in your closet, you don't have to buy a thing. So, lay the shirt out in front of you right side up. Cut the top of the shirt off horizontally from armpit to armpit, leaving you with a big rectangle. Next, start from the bottom of the shirt and cut or tear strips vertically until about 2 inches from the top. Do this all the way around until you have a big oblong piece of fabric with a bunch of strips hanging from it. I placed it around my neck and in front of a mirror just started braiding and knotting pieces together randomly until I had a look going that I liked. I also pulled the fabric even more, giving it a good stretch to work with. Voila! Within 20 minutes I had a new funky fall accessory that is not only one of a kind, but nearly FREE! Time well spent, money well saved! Try it and let me know how works out for you.
Flying Alligators & Security Camels
I love that we do not have to be taught how to be creative because it runs in our blood inherently. 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.' Gen 1:1. Then as you probably know God went on creating everything else in this world of ours, including, 'man in His own image,' Gen 1:27. So, you and I were created in the image of our Daddy, Almighty God. Pretty radical right? I mention this because my daughter is only just now 2 1/2 years old and I can see His creativity in her that I know comes from a deep well within her. Today as we were driving she spotted a giant alligator flying in the sky and was genuinely ecstatic to him. While I saw an elongated fluffy white cloud, she saw a chomping green reptile. She often sees camels as well while peeping out the bottom of her passenger window. This one took me a while to grasp as she would see them so often. Finally I saw the camels, or rather the rounded humps on the tops of privacy fences securely enclosing people's yards. Brilliant right?! Her overflow of creativity inspires me to get back to that pure and joyfilled mindset that God has given us. What creative moments have you recently been blessed by?
Smile, Jesus Loves New!
Today is the start of a new year, 2013. Typically, New Year's Day comes with a pause for celebration, resolutions and intention of change, all fading fast a few days later. I started thinking about today from a spiritual perspective and stopped to ponder on the fact that God is all about the 'New'. A quick word search in the Bible brings close to 200 appearances of the word 'new' depending on the translation you are searching. Some of these truths tell us things like how God's mercies for us are new every morning, a new commandment of love, a new covenant in the blood of Jesus, the new creation you and I are if we choose to be in Jesus, and lastly in Revelation 21:5 'Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful.' That is all pretty exciting, radical stuff if you take a chance to take it to heart! I guess what I'm getting at, is that you don't have to wait for a holiday on the calendar to celebrate the new when it can be celebrated EVERYDAY! Think about it, He gives us a new day every morning. He could give us the same day every day of our lives if He chose and we would live in insanity like Ferris Bueller. Can you imagine it? I mean seriously, we have new mercies every day, each day being new itself?! What an awesome and loving God He is to delight in making all things new in Him-even you and I! So yes, Happy New Year- but maybe lets think about celebrating the New Day we wake up to on January 2nd and so on as well. Who couldn't use a little more confetti in their life?!
Matching Socks?
Between my curious kids and the monster feasting on socks in my dryer, I do not ever seem to have a clean, matching pair of socks. Most days, a matching pair of socks is the least of my concern while my children are teaching each other how to twist off the milk cap and watch the epic splash on the floor. I suppose I could look at this as an opportunity to live more freely, not caring what people may think of me or my children and our wacky mis-matched socks. I realize that the very thought of this may be horrifying while imagining the warped stares of strangers directed at your feet. So this got me thinking, am I the only one who does not always wear matching socks? Come on, be honest now. I mean where did the idea of matching socks come from in the first place? I suppose it's a social standard we all walked into without ever thinking twice. So, if you come across someone without matching socks, think twice before giving judgement. Perhaps the act of wearing socks alone is an achievement, or maybe they walk in a freedom that is waiting for you to explore.
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