FREE eBook for Family Whole Foods Cooking
Need some new totally tasty and not boring recipes made from real, whole foods? Yeah, me too! Well today is our day because I discovered this FREE eBook to help us on our way. While the title is based around lunch box recipes, the food is all around family friendly for children and adults alike. The author was inspired to write her book after having a revelation of how GREAT real, whole foods can make a person feel, and then realizing that children in our school systems are mostly being fed the counterfeit. So, download this eBook and start cooking. You can get some new ideas for the lunchbox grind ahead too. Maybe can even take your own lunchbox to work? Not only would your body benefit, but your bank account too!
GMO FREE Breakfast Bar Deal
Sugars or Boogers?
Do you cringe and close your eyes when you see something gross, green and slimy, such as a booger? Don't let the fright of a booger hold you captive! Have you ever watched a child, or even adult dare I say, shove their finger up their nose, only to pull out and eat the clogging culprit known as the booger? Yes, I said eat it. Well, take a look at it from my daughter's point of view and maybe your mind will be put at ease. She picks and eats her 'sugars'. Has a better ring and visual doesn't it? If you are trying to teach your child (or maybe husband) not to pick their nose, these Boogie Wipes are the perfect transition. Soft, medicated & moisturized with a fresh scent and easy to take on the go, what more could you want in a nose wipe? Stock up for school days ahead and SAVE BIG TIME by purchasing through Amazon's 'Subscribe & Save' while being a member of 'Amazon Mom'. It works out to be just $30.29 ($2.50 a pack ) for 12, 30 count travel packs, or 360 wipes with FREE SHIPPING! Now, seriously, who can relate?
Save BIG with Amazon Warehouse
I just discovered the awesome and amazing Amazon Warehouse
Wild Line Caught Tuna on Amazon
I found a super score on Amazon today with a new $10 off coupon being offered. Crown Prince Natural Solid White Albacore Tuna
Green Giveaway
Congratulations to Allison, who was the winner of the Summer Splash Frugal Fun Giveaway! Now it's on to another giveaway, but this time I'm going green. Enter to win 'It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth Friendly Living' by Crissy Trask. This book is filled with great tips and tricks to aid in conservation, green shopping & eco-living. To enter, you must be a follower of Merry, Mary, Marry. Simply comment below stating you are follower and share one of your green living tips. If you'd like to double your chances of winning, you may enter twice, with a separate comment below, if you also subscribe by email. Winner will be announced Monday, August 13th, making the start to someone's work week a little more merry.
Amazon August Coupons
Amazon Coupons
Smile & Say FREE
Not many things are more beautiful in life than a smile. This week, smile and say FREE because you can get toothpaste for free at Publix starting Wednesday August 15th until the sale lasts the following Wednesday. The sale price for Aquafresh Toothpaste is $1 each. However there are two websites offering printable coupons for $1 off Aquafresh Toothpaste. If your Publix accepts coupons from Target, go to the coupon section of Target's website and print your $1 off coupon. Also, Aquafresh is offering $1 off on their own website in the 'savings' section. Stock up with two tubes and bring on the smiles!
Receipt Reading Pays
It really does pay, literally, to check your receipt. I just had three separate instances this week where I was incorrectly charged, and by catching them, saved about $20. If you have a Kroger in your area, and are charged incorrectly, their policy is to give you a full refund, not only the difference. I purchased 3 pound bag of apples there that were priced per bag, but was instead charged per pound. Cha-ching- free organic apples and $6 in my pocket. This also happened with some chips that were meant to be 2 for $5 according to the sign, but were incorrectly $3.29 each. My third instance was actually at a department store. I was purchasing a kitchen appliance with a coupon. I gave the coupon to the sales clerk, watched her scan the bar code, paid and went my way. Once I got to the car I noticed my 20% off did not register when it was scanned. I went back in and was refunded my $10. I think too many of us assume that sales clerks and registers do not make mistakes, shoving receipts away into the black abyss of a cute over-sized purse. Start checking your receipt and let me know what savings you catch. Great lesson learned for me. Now I just need to make myself do it before I walk back to the car!
Savings 101
It's a fun challenge for me to find deals, save money, and bring home good products for my family in return. I realized though that maybe someone reading this is starting from scratch. So, I figured I would give you a run down of the basics on how I play the game. In my area, the 4 main grocery stores I shop at are Publix, Whole Foods, Kroger and Target. Each of these stores has their own online store coupons you can print to stack with a manufacturer's coupon for the same product. In my area, Publix is the only store who will accept competing store's coupons as well, although you should ask your grocer what their rules are. Meaning, I can print a coupon from Target's coupon page online, use it at Publix, combine it with a manufacture's coupon on top of an already going sale & CHA CHING money in my pocket! There are several sites you can print manufacture coupons from, but my favorites are and because there are added benefits in printing coupons from their sites. Swagbucks gives rewards points which I use to redeem Amazon dollars that never expire, while Commonkindness donates money to a charity of your choice when you use their coupons. Another great site is for organic coupons alone. In addition, many products allow you to print coupons from their own webpage, such as Stonyfield Yogurt. On top of all this, there are rewards programs from leading companies that give you free stuff from buying their products. Pampers, Huggies, Stonyfield Farms and even Kellogs have consumer loyalty programs. I frequently redeem free grocery vouchers in return for buying products I already saved huge on. I know it may seem overwhelming when reading, but it really is so simple if you can be ever so slightly organized. I save about $40 a week in coupons alone, spend about $200 a month on groceries and still have savings loop holes kicking in afterwards. On top of this, we eat mostly organic, crap free, yummy, belly filling foods. The details can get quite extensive so if you have a question..ASK! I want to share the wealth of savings & goodness with you!
FREE Baby Formula
It is pretty absurd how expensive it is to feed your baby if you use formula. You could easily spend $100 a month- unless you use these tricks. First off, go to the formula manufactures website (such as Similac or Enfamil) and sign up with your mailing address. They will periodically mail you formula checks in $5 or $10 increments. These checks can then be combined with both a manufactures coupon as well as a store coupon. Here is an ideal situation: Get your $5 off formula check in the mail, keep an eye out for formula coupons, let's say you find a $3 off one. Then, wait for a coupon from Target or Publix that is $5 off that same formula. This would give you $13 off your baby's formula, making it either free or super cheap! Sometimes, Target even has specials on formula where you buy 2 and get a $5 gift card back which is even more savings! Another tip, if you cannot find the coupons or checks you need, I use a website called where you can swap coupons through the mail, getting what you need while helping someone else out too. Then, take that money you would have spent on formula, and treat yourself to something luxurious for all your hard savings work!
Publix Deals
A dollar can stretch a loooong way at Publix through September 3rd! I saved half of my grocery bill (both spending and saving $45) in coupons stacked with sales at Publix! Go to coupons section under the 'Earn' tab to print the following coupons for items already on 'Buy 1 Get 1' sale. By printing from Swagbucks website, you will earn points for using your coupons, which you can then redeem for gift cards like Amazon or Starbucks. I get at least 1 gift card a month which is simply free money in my pocket. When shopping at Publix keep in mind if you purchase only 1 item from the B1G1 sale you will still get the item half price. Use the following brands coupons through Tues evening to stack for awesome savings: Nabsico Crackers, Breyers Ice cream, Chex Mix, Kellog's Raisin Bran, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, Morningstar Farms Veggie Products, Athenos Feta Cheese, Post Honey Bunches of Oats, Silk Fruit & Protein Drink. Hope this helps and have a merry day!
A New Way to Save
I found a loop hole that will save you even more on Amazon Organic Groceries
. This glorious loophole goes by the name of Ebates. Basically, it is a website that pays you to shop online. I recently joined for free and they sent me a $10 Target gift card in return. This offer may still be available for you making it even more sweet. The gist of it is, they pay cash back for your online shopping. So, when you purchase Amazon Organic Groceries
by going to Ebates first and then to Amazon through their site, they send you 3% cash back of your purchase. They have thousands of stores that they give cash back on to cover all your retail needs. Check it out and join if you'd like by clicking on the link or image included:
A New Way to Save
I found a loop hole that will save you even more on Amazon Organic Groceries
1/2 off Starbucks Gift Card
Amazon Grocery Deals
There are some really great grocery deals to stock up on through right now. If you make a purchase of $25 or more these items all qualify for free shipping as well!
Gloria Jean's
Fruit & Nut Vegan Snack Bars GMO & Gluten FREE .60 each
Peace Cereal Raspberry Ginger Clusters & Flakes $2.92 per box
Kroger Booty
This is not a thrilling coupon week for groceries, so I have been out scouring the shelves amongst a rough sea of shoppers for deals not listed in the weekly ads. It does require some time and patience going up and down the isles, quickly scanning for hidden deals, but it is worth it in savings. At Kroger I found the following: Nature's Path Organic Cereal $1.50, Gerber Organic Baby Food .29 for a 2 pack, Private Selection Organic Dried Herbs are all clearanced at various prices, Organic Peaches & Nectarines 1.79 lb, Organic Bananas .38 lb, Simple Truth Organic Semi Sweet Chocolate Morsels $1.99, POM juice $1.19 after Commonkindness coupon with manager special, Silk Pure Almond Milk $1.99 after sale plus Swagbucks coupon and last but not least Power Bars for .39 each with Swagbucks coupon on top of manager special. Ask your grocer where their clearance section is if you have not seen it. Usually, it is in a hidden spot you have to search out and then dig for the buried booty. But isn't that true for all treasure? Let's share our wealth! What worthy nuggets have you found? Maybe next time I will bring my eye patch and wooden leg. I'm not the Pirate Who Doesn't Do Anything, I'm the Pirate Who Does It ALL! Hmmm, I think I need to convince my daughter to watch something besides Veggie Tales tomorrow.
Week's Kroger Deals
The weekly ad for Kroger starts today, lasting through September 15th and offers some great organic grocery deals. Here is what I found worth sharing:
-Organic Raspberries $2.5o per 6 oz
-Organic Red or Green Seedless Grapes $1.99 lb
-Organic Bartlett Pears $1.59 lb (perfect for the fruit crisp recipe I shared)
-Organic Simple Truth Milk $2.99 half gallon
Silk Almond Milk $2.99 half gallon ($1 off coupon through
-Simple Truth Organic Canned Vegetables & Beans .89 each
-Annie's Macaroni & Cheese $1.00 per box
-Morningstar Farms Products $2.99 each (.55 off coupon at
A few things to remember when shopping at Kroger:
-Use reusable shopping bags for a further discount-I remind them
-Check your receipt for any mis-rings & receive full refund for incorrect charges
-Look for 'catalina' coupons to print with your receipt when buying organic produce (I frequently receive $1 organic produce coupons to use on my next shopping trip)
-Keep your eyes peeled for bright orange 'Manager Special' stickers on products for additional awesome deals
**** So, I am writing now after my trip from scooping up these deals... I ended up being incorrectly charged by .10 a pound for my pears as well as some kiwis I found on clearance at .10 each. So, I ended up getting $10 in my pocket as well as with FREE PRODUCE. Look at your receipts people! A merry day indeed in the savings department!

Save on Seventh Generation
You can stock up and score green this week on Seventh Generation products at a really cheap price on Amazon. Amazon Coupons
offers several Seventh Generation coupons at the moment. My two favorites are $5 off toilet tissue
& $5 off paper towels
both by Seventh Generation. These coupons are off of a case price. While I do not need 24 rolls of paper towels or 48 rolls of toilet tissue, I'll find a friend to split the deal making it twice as nice.
So, here's the deal: Concerning both items, clip your coupon first to apply on your check out page. Next, purchase under Amazon's 'Subscribe & Save' option for a further discount than the noted sale price. Because the order is over $25 you will get free shipping. All in all, your 100% recycled toilet tissue is .49 per roll while paper towels work out to be $1.25 per roll. This price is better than Charmin on sale while stacking coupons, is green and you don't have to go anywhere or worry about buying paper products for months!
FREE eBook
If you are looking for a classic addition to put in your eBook library, you cannot go wrong with Grimm's Fairy Tales
especially since it is FREE on Amazon. This is a compilation of 64 classic tales done by the Grimm's brothers. I'm not sure how log it is available at no cost for the download, so get it quickly before it's gone.
-Use reusable shopping bags for a further discount-I remind them
-Check your receipt for any mis-rings & receive full refund for incorrect charges
-Look for 'catalina' coupons to print with your receipt when buying organic produce (I frequently receive $1 organic produce coupons to use on my next shopping trip)
-Keep your eyes peeled for bright orange 'Manager Special' stickers on products for additional awesome deals
**** So, I am writing now after my trip from scooping up these deals... I ended up being incorrectly charged by .10 a pound for my pears as well as some kiwis I found on clearance at .10 each. So, I ended up getting $10 in my pocket as well as with FREE PRODUCE. Look at your receipts people! A merry day indeed in the savings department!
Save on Seventh Generation
You can stock up and score green this week on Seventh Generation products at a really cheap price on Amazon. Amazon Coupons
FREE eBook
If you are looking for a classic addition to put in your eBook library, you cannot go wrong with Grimm's Fairy Tales
Introducing Kroger's Organic Label
Starting today through 9/29, there are some awesome organic savings at Kroger. They are kicking off their own organic label, Simple Truth, offering some great discounts on staples to stock up on. Remember to look for those bright orange Manager Special stickers for incredible hidden savings as well! Here's what is advertised:
Simple Truth Salad Mix $2.99
Simple Truth Chicken 25% Off
Simple Truth Half Gallon Milk $2.99
Simple Truth Eggs $2.50
Simple Truth Half Gal Soy Milk $2.50
Simple Truth Butter 1Lb $3.99
Simple Truth Peanut Butter $3.99
Simple Truth 32Oz Yogurt $3.00
Simple Truth Protein Bar .79
Simple Truth Broth 32 Oz $1.50
Simple Truth Canned Beans .89 (perfect for Vegan Beanie Weanie Recipe)
Also... Morningstar Farms $2.99 ( the crumbles are perfect for Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie Recipe) Boca Burgers $2.99 Organic Gala Apples $1.99 Lb (Honey Cinnamon Fruit Crisp Recipe mixed with raspberries) Organic Raspberries $2.50 Organic Broccoli $1.99
1/2 Price Sweet Cece's
Groupon has a deal right now for those of us in the greater Nashville area for 1/2 price at Sweet Cece's! Spend $5 and receive a $10 credit for 18 various TN locations. When you are there, ask for a free membership card, register it online, link to Facebook and then get a FREE cup for your next visit! My kids and I go here all the time so going for half price makes it even sweeter. Click the following link to get the deal:
Cheap Organic Vegetables
Publix starts their new ad today though Oct 23rd and you can score some really cheap frozen organic vegetables from it. Cascadian Farms frozen vegetables are $2.49 per bag-without coupons. Go to or (as I do for added benefits) and print two of the .75 off Cascadian Farms products. Then, when you go into Publix, grab the latest coupon flyer at the front door and take out the $2 off 2 Cascadian Farms products coupon. This brings your organic frozen vegetables down to .75 per bag! Cream of broccoli soup is now on the menu!
Enter That Code!
Are you taking advantage of the free rewards that many companies offer for using their products? If you are clueless as to what I mean, let me tell you the rewards programs I use frequently that in return get me free groceries and gift cards. Each of the following companies have little codes on their product's packaging that if you use, should be saving. I have a drawer that I toss all my cardboard and plastic coded tidbits into and then once a month enter them online while relaxing with some vino. For each company, you will need to create a basic account user name and password when logging onto their website. Then, watch your codes turn into points and prizes for you to redeem. Also, if you are not into tallying them for yourself, many people swap them on sites such as for other things of value you may need. So, here are the rewards programs I currently use and recommend: Stonyfield Farms, Pampers, Huggies & Kellog's. Others that are popular that I have not personally used are Coca Cola, Seventh Generation & Beech Nut. Know of others? Due tell!
Free Ant Bait
While at Kroger today I noticed Hot Shot Ant Bait on sale for .99 each. Remembering that I had several printed Hot Shot coupons in my handy dandy binder for $1 off a product, I got 3 Ant Bait packages for FREE. These coupons are still available for print if you have not already through or While I do not have an ant problem, I can save 1 in case I ever do, and donate the others along with other household items I find FREE or nearly to a local charity.
4X Fuel Points
Today begins the awesome event of quadruple fuel points for every dollar spent at Kroger on gift cards. This is really perfect with Black Friday deals on the horizon! For instance, I know that I will be purchasing a Black Friday deal at Lowes: 14 Gallon Shop Vac for $39.99. This is something I am eerie to purchase used and am excited to do so new at a rock bottom price. So, when I go to Kroger today to scope out the week's new deals, I will pick up a $50 Lowe's gift card to pay for my shop vac and anything else I cannot resist, and that alone will give me a savings of .20 per gallon of gas at the pump as every 100 points equals .10 off per gallon of fuel. $50 gift card = .20 off per gallon. Got it? Ok, GO & SAVE!
FREE Sambazon Juice
While hunting for deals at Kroger today I noticed the 10.5 oz bottles of Sambazon juice were Buy One Get One Free, priced at $2.99. After using two coupons currently available for print, $1.50 off 1 10.5 oz Sambazon, I went my merry way with yummy free organic juice! If you have not printed these coupons already, go to or (for added benefits) and use your 2 print maximum on this deal found in the beverage category.
How to Save at Target
I love to shop at Target! They have everything I need from organic groceries, trendy clothing, household necessities, free kids cookies, family restrooms, and AWESOME savings opportunities. I thought I would share how I save here just in case you need some new tricks up your sleeve. As for coupons, Target has an extensive database for printable coupons that you can access through their website. Target will accept a manufacture coupon paired with a Target coupon for extra savings as well. A few coupons I print on a weekly basis to use at Target are: $1 off Bare Naked Organic Chicken ( .75 off Earthbound Farms Produce (through Earthbound Farms email club) and $1 off Applegate Farms Meats ( Here's the exciting part. Some form of Bare Naked Chicken is always on sale weekly whether it is thighs, breast, whole or legs. So, I wait for the sale price and then on top of that, look for a special red sticker on the package that is a Target special for $2 off a package to combine my printed coupon with. Example: 1 Pound of Bare Naked Chicken Thighs on sale for $3.79, less the special red sticker $2 off on package, less my $1 off coupon means a pound of fresh organic chicken for .79! On to produce... This week a bag of organic carrots were on sale for $1.09 by Earthbound Farms. I then used my .75 off coupon bringing the price down to .34. Lastly, my kids love Applegate Farms hot dogs, which happen to be on sale this week for $3.99 a pack, less my $1 off coupon. These are all staples in our home that it is so nice to be able to save on further past the price tag. In addition, we are Target Debit Red Card Holders which gets us 5% off everything we purchase, including groceries and even Starbucks inside Target. The card is no charge, no fees and the money comes right out of the bank as if I was already using my bank card. The last great savings loophole I have is a little more work, but worth it in the wallet. Every week Target posts items that when a certain quantity are purchased, a gift card is received in return. You can view all of these offers in the online weekly ad. Example: This week Huggies & Pampers Giant Packs are $34.99 with a $5 gift card given to you at purchase. So, if you were to have a Target coupon for $2 off plus a Manufacture coupon for $2 off, less your $5 back, you would be getting $9 off your diapers, plus 5% more off when paying with your Red card. This makes for a good deal! Hope I have not confused you, but rather amused you and inspired further savings for your family.
Christmas Tree Savings
Deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la la la la la! Have you purchased your Christmas tree yet? If not, let me clue you in on how to save some money at the fuel pump when doing so. I did some research and found that Lowes has 5-6 foot trees on sale for $19.98. Knowing that this is the last week to get quadruple fuel points when purchasing gift cards at Kroger, I bought a $25 Lowes gift card at Kroger to purchase our tree with, while getting .10 off per gallon of gas at the pump in return. Discounted tree AND discounted gas makes for a merry day indeed!
Free Covergirl & Maybelline at Publix
If you have not already, grab your FREE single color Maybelline Expert Wear Eyeshadow at Publix through December 7th. Combine the in store Publix $2 off Maybelline coupon from the green flyer with printable $1 off coupon here : to get the deal. Also, get a free Covergirl product valued at $3 when you combine the Stocking Spree $2 off Covergirl Publix coupon with P&G $1 off Covergirl coupon found in the recent paper. Don't need new, free makeup? I bet you have a friend that would gladly take it off your hands.
Free, Cheap, Give & Keep
Some great deals at Publix right now, many today being the last day for the grab: Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt: $1, then add .40 off coupon (doubled) from & in store Publix .55 off coupon to get FREE salt plus a little in your pocket Capri Sun 10 Pack: $1.79, then add $2/2 Publix in store coupon from Nov Advantage Buy Flyer and printable $1/2 Target coupon resulting at .29 each! If you do not drink these, donate them. Silk Fruit & Protein: $1.66, combine $1 off printable coupon for a .66 beverage Star Bucks Frap 4 Pack: $5.99, combine Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal with 3X $1 off Publix in store coupon from Nov Advantage Buy Flyer to get a total of 12 bottles of frap for .75 each. Great Stocking stuffer! Lastly, print this coupon: to get a $10 Target gift card when spending $50 or more at Target! This deal ends Saturday. I stocked up on printer ink and groceries to get this score. Have a very merry weekend!
New to Coupons?
If you have heard of this crazy world of coupons, but have yet to dive in, I suggest making your grand 'cannon ball' splash of an entrance now! Bottom line: using coupons saves money. Maybe your grocery budget is fine and you don't need any tweaking But, perhaps there is a vacation you want to save up for. Coupons may be your ticket to the beach! Hypothetically, if you saved $20 a week in coupons every week for 6 months starting today, you would have $480 sitting in a jar ready for summer play time. Sounds like a good pay off to me! Where to start? Contact your local grocer or go on their website to find out the store's coupon policy. For example: do they accept competitor coupons and do they double coupons? Next find a binder you can use to organize your coupons in and set up a coupon printing station at home where you can print, clip and organize. As for where to get coupons, there are endless sites online to research, but the ones I use and recommend are:,,, and You can always visit individual company's websites and Facebook pages for additional coupons as well. You can make the experience as detailed and fun as you like. Personally, our family depends on the savings these paper clippings provide, and I happen to enjoy it which is an added bonus. What are you waiting for? Ready, set....COUPON!
FREE Journal Prompts
I have always really loved to write, and loved the idea of journaling. I say idea because I have the best intentions to do so-but my intentions more often than not never turn into realized thoughts on paper. I love to purchase beautiful, discounted journals and imagine myself writing inspiring lessons of love and wisdom for my children. I mean who knows if real tangible books will be around in 30 years or if my children will even know what cursive writing is? All this to say, I found a FREE download of 52 journal prompts. So, once a week I intend to cut one of these prompts from the page, tape to my journal and start writing something insightful. I'm thinking it may prove to be fun and thought you may find so too. The link is through Paper Coterie which often has free cutsie downloads to keep an eye out for. Find the journal prompts here:
Shutterfly Photo Prints Package Giveaway
Today is a great day for a GIVEAWAY don't you think? With all the fun photos taken over the last few weeks of Christmas Cheer, I thought a photo package giveaway would be nice to have. So, here it is: Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a Shutterfly Prints Package which will include 25 4x6 prints, 2 5x7 prints & 1 8x10 print. If you are the winner, you will receive a code to enter in your Shutterfly account for you to redeem your photos. How to enter? You must be a follower of Merry Mary Marry! Reply to this post stating you are a follower, how you follow, and mention your favorite post. Facebook is new to Merry Mary Marry! So, the more ways you follow, the more times you can enter, a separate entry for each way you follow, by replying to this post. You have through Friday, January 11th the enter, with the winner being announced on Saturday January 12th. Once the winner is announced, he or she must reply with the preferred method of sending the code for the photos. Let the entries roll!
FREE eBook & The Winner Is...
Congratulations and many thanks to The Cochran Family for entering the Shutterfly Photo Prints Package! Stay tuned for another giveaway to come in the near future. In the mean time, I found a fun, FREE Kindle book for all of you to scroll through this weekend, Tongue Twisters for Kids
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