Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gutter Garden How To

Since the warm weather has arrived, my hands have been busy with Spring projects, rather than inside typing blogs. As a result, the gutter garden is finally up and this is what it looks like. Hooray! So, if you have limited ground space, a bad back, or pesky strawberry eating rabbits, you may want to consider gardening like this. So, the price break down is about $6.50 for the gutter, about $3 per end cap, 3 brackets at $1.50 (prevent sagging) each and some aluminum wire for about $2. (I brought my list to Lowes and they helped me find everything as I was clueless.) This brings the total to about $17.50, plus soil and seeds of course. Simply drill hols in the bottom of the gutter for drainage, as well as 2 holes in the back of the gutter to run your wire through to hang. Attach your 3 brackets to the top of the gutter before you hang, and run the wire through the bracket hols that a screw would normally go through. Simple as that! I have planted strawberries, arugula, butter crisp lettuce & collard greens. Once my crop has beautifully peaked for my salad plate, I will report back with photos. In the mean time, merry gardening! 

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