Tuesday, April 9, 2013

God's Numbers

Yesterday was all about the number 3, as my sweet little girl celebrated this sizzling, fresh age. (Congratulations, by the way, to the Cochran Family for winning the Amazon gift card giveaway in honor of the celebration!) As the day went on, my mind turned more and more over the significance of the number 3 on both a spiritual and biblical level. John 4:23 tells us the Father is seeking those who will, 'worship Him in spirit and truth.' This combined with God being the author and creator of ALL, even numbers brings a fun element to the prayer in Matthew 6:10, 'Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven'. So where is the God link of something so ordinary in the world, yet so alive in the Spirit? If you do a little digging, it is easy to see that the number 3 appears many times in the Bible, all in significant matters. After researching, I found 3 to be representative of completeness. I do not know exactly what this means in my daughters life, except that I will now pray specifically in this year that His work in her will be done in His complete timing and complete ways without interference or distraction. How exciting is that?! I just found another clue on a super crazy and glorious scavenger hunt! Have you ever thought about how something as simple as a number could mean so much more than it appears? What significance do numbers have in your life? I'm beginning to think they are all just shiny little treasures waiting for the dusty haze to be blown off the top of their glossy surface...on earth as it is in heaven!!

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