Superhero Standoff

My husband was telling me about a conversation he had with our 3 year old daughter about our savior Jesus Christ. He said that Jesus died for us, rescuing us from eternal death so we could live with Him forever and how we now have the power of His Holy Spirit living in us. Out of this, she understood that Jesus Christ is our super hero and that we have His super powers too. She even said that she wants to die also. I do not know that her little mind articulated that spiritually, she will die and live with His Spirit forever, but I couldn't help think 'maybe so'. Wow. We adults make things waaay too complicated. I mean, God says to come to Him like little children, so what better example than the life of my own children?! I think of all the Marvel Comic superheros, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, ect. In all of these stories, there is a fight between good and evil with crazy, extraordinary powers flying all over the place. This is real; this is the world we live in. The cool thing about this colorful comic book revelation, is that we can choose to participate without fear, knowing the bad guy will never win. I envision a small paper comic page with Jesus trampling Satan's head and a word bubble encompassing the onomatopoeia, 'BAM! SPLONK! POW!!!' Can you see it? If you can, grab a sword and let His super powers charge through you...all the glory to God! Now, where did I put my cape??
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