Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Different Benefit

How different are you from your spouse? My husband and I are as different as black is to white when it comes to most things. This can stir the water in my boiling pot pretty quickly if I let it. He likes chocolate, I like vanilla. He stays up late, I go to bed early. He pees standing up-well you get it right? So, we have been married 5 years now. A wise man told us before getting married that as different as God made each of us, He wants us to be a little more like the other. We believe that we were each created in God's image. If we could be a little more like each other, we would be doubly closer to the goodness of God. For instance, my husband will be a child at heart all of his days. This is a beautiful quality that God planted in his DNA. I, on the other hand, wear the serious pants-a little too tightly most days. This is one area of difference I can definitely benefit from by letting him rub off on me. The hard part is having the will to change; allowing yourself to see things differently. Easier said than done, I know-from experience. Live wild today by taking a step back and reevaluate. There's probably more to gain than realized. Who couldn't use a better marriage? I am going to go and change my pants now.

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