Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blue Crab Mac N Cheese

This scrumptious meal came from the inspiration of a hodgepodge of ingredients and my grumbling belly in need of something different than the norm. Here's how to throw it together: Dice 1 8 ounce pack of surimi (imitation crab meat). I purchased for $1.49 at Publix on a recent sale. Next boil whatever pasta you have on hand & drain, leaving in strainer for a moment. In the same pot the pasta boiled in, I then combined 1/2 a pack of cream cheese, a small wedge of blue cheese and 1/4 cup of plain yogurt. I purchased all of these items on manager's special totaling $3.00, not having a plan, but knowing I would use them somehow at such a great price! So, keep burner on low and stir mixture with fork until melted and creamy. Finally, add your pasta and surimi to the pot along with salt and pepper as desired and give it a good stir. This is sooo worth trying and only cost me about $5 to make. It has been hard to find good organic food at a really good price lately. When you see a great buy, throw it in your cart even if you have no idea what you will do with it. With a little inspiration and Google at your fingertips, your mystery ingredient will serve success! 

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