Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mrs. Milestone

Today is a big day and I am therefore deeming myself Mrs. Milestone. To some of you, this may seem rather silly, but others may be shocked that we are so alike. All my life I have despised doing dishes. Chores are part of life and as you go through the journey of marriage and children, the daunting list grows legs and quickly runs away with a teasing smirk, seeming 'uncatchable'. Even so, it all eventually gets done, but there has been one thing I have never been willing to do- until today. You know when you have washed the dishes and the water drains away, only to leave a soggy mushed pile of food scraps in the sink? Nothing has grossed me out more than the idea of gathering  the wet pile of leftovers with my bare fingers and tossing them into the trash. In fact, I will go to tedious length to scrape them together and jam them down the tiny sink holes with a fork so I do not have to touch it.  And then it happened. Today I reached down, gathered the soggy, mushy mess and tossed it way without thinking. Then I stopped in my tracked linoleum steps when realizing what just happened and thought, 'What does this mean?'  Does this mean I have become a slaving housemaid that has been overcome by soggy mess and madness? NO!! It means that I am growing and maturing in my role as Mommy and Wife. This means that there is one less thing in my day that I will uselessly think twice about, shutter at or allow to waste my time.  It also means that there is one more thing I have overcome and one more milestone I have achieved. Sometimes accepting the roles we are given and the job description they come with can be a bit intimidating (at least for me, maybe no one reading this) Thankfully, every day is a new day with new mercies and second, third or maybe twenty second chances. I took my one thousand eight hundred and ninety fifth chance at the mushy mess in my sink and made it a surmounting milestone. What will you overcome today? 

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