Monday, October 15, 2012

Flying Alligators and Security Camels

I love that we do not have to be taught how to be creative because it runs in our blood inherently. 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.' Gen 1:1. Then as you probably know God went on creating everything else in this world of ours, including, 'man in His own image,' Gen 1:27. So, you and I were created in the image of our Daddy, Almighty God. Pretty radical right? I mention this because my daughter is only just now 2 1/2 years old and I can see His creativity in her that I know comes from a deep well within her. Today as we were driving she spotted a giant alligator flying in the sky and was genuinely ecstatic to him. While I saw an elongated fluffy white cloud, she saw a chomping green reptile. She often sees camels as well while peeping out the bottom of her passenger window. This one took me a while to grasp as she would see them so often. Finally I saw the camels, or rather the rounded humps on the tops of privacy fences securely enclosing people's yards. Brilliant right?! Her overflow of creativity inspires me to get back to that pure and joyfilled mindset that God has given us. What creative moments have you recently been blessed by?

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