Thursday, August 30, 2012
Best Mommy Job Ever
I have a very strong willed two and a half year old daughter whom I love to bits. I cannot place blame on her inherent personality trait without turning a nerve rattled finger towards myself. Don't get me wrong, she is the most nurturing and loving child I know. It's just when she is asked to do something she does not want to do that a problem tends to arise. My husband and I believe in discipline and giving our children healthy and respectful boundaries to operate in. Spanking, timeouts or taking privileges away are all forms of discipline that are designed for the well being of our children. Today I started thinking about Mary, mother of Jesus, after disciplining my daughter. Jesus is perfect, blameless, Holy, without sin. This I know. I have not however, ever thought about this in terms of Jesus as a toddler. Did Mary get the BEST Mommy job on planet?! Think about it. No sin means never disrespecting or testing the waters to see where the limit lies before the spanking comes. Mary would have never had to even think about spanking versus timeout or teach how to apologize to another child for hitting them or yanking a toy from their hand in selfishness. In all realness of the word, Mary did have the PERFECT child. Has anyone else ever thought about this? I would love to hear your thoughts!
FREE eBook Grimm's Fairy Tales
If you are looking for a classic addition to put in your eBook library, you cannot go wrong with Grimm's Fairy Tales
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Living Hope
Today I woke up and needed some Hope. I think this is a great thing, especially since it- He, is available. Thank God that we do not live a hopeless life. Whatever the circumstance may be, we have genuine Hope in our living God who is not only in us, working through us, but walking with us while holding our hand. You know, Mary lived about 9 months of her life with Hope literally living and breathing inside of her as baby Jesus. It is pretty incredible if you think about it. But, even more so, you and I live as, 'temples of the Holy Spirit,' (1 Corinthians 6:19) today, over 2,000 years past Mary's experience. He, Hope, lives in us today too! If you really try to wrap your mind and heart around this, it can be life changing and circumstance shaking. God confirms this treasure for us is Colossians 1:27, saying, 'God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.' Live a Hope filled day!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Crockpot Vegetable Soup
Crockpot Vegetable Soup is one of the easiest meals I know. It is perfect for a day when you are on the go and do not have time to prep and cook a meal amongst a million other things to do. I used about 6 cups of chicken stock I had left over from my Crockpot Chicken as the base for this soup. However, you can use any kind of stock you prefer. Next, I added about 2 cups of frozen mixed vegetables. I always have a giant 5 pound bag of this organic mix (corn, peas, green beans & carrots) from Costco in my freezer as they are less than $6 a bag and extremely versatile in their use. Then I added 2 stalks of chopped celery, 3 chopped red potatoes, 2 chopped garden fresh bell peppers & half of an onion, diced. Add salt, pepper and dried herbs to your liking. I then set on high for 4 hours. You can be done here and have a great, healthy meal for your family. Or, if you would like to keep going, you can add anything from noodles, rice, chicken or even tofu (extra firm) to give this soup some added 'umph'. This pot of homemade soup cost me under $3 to make and should serve about 6 people. Making the most of a dollar, delicious and nutritious- Mmmmm tasty!
Monday, August 27, 2012
FREE Baby Formula
It is pretty absurd how expensive it is to feed your baby if you use formula. You could easily spend $100 a month- unless you use these tricks. First off, go to the formula manufactures website (such as Similac or Enfamil) and sign up with your mailing address. They will periodically mail you formula checks in $5 or $10 increments. These checks can then be combined with both a manufactures coupon as well as a store coupon. Here is an ideal situation: Get your $5 off formula check in the mail, keep an eye out for formula coupons, let's say you find a $3 off one. Then, wait for a coupon from Target or Publix that is $5 off that same formula. This would give you $13 off your baby's formula, making it either free or super cheap! Sometimes, Target even has specials on formula where you buy 2 and get a $5 gift card back which is even more savings! Another tip, if you cannot find the coupons or checks you need, I use a website called where you can swap coupons through the mail, getting what you need while helping someone else out too. Then, take that money you would have spent on formula, and treat yourself to something luxurious for all your hard savings work!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Make the most of today because today is special! Wondering why? The very fact that you are reading this means that today you are alive and well. Life is something to be celebrated! None of us know what could be around the corner that may make this earthly day our last. Don't let today be redundant but rather special and filled with excitement. Where to start? I find that some of the purest joy comes by a selfless act of kindness. Make the most of today by giving of yourself, helping someone else realize how special they are and this day is. It is one of God's beautiful mysteries how giving actually brings fulfillment in return.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Savings 101
It's a fun challenge for me to find deals, save money, and bring home good products for my family in return. I realized though that maybe someone reading this is starting from scratch. So, I figured I would give you a run down of the basics on how I play the game. In my area, the 4 main grocery stores I shop at are Publix, Whole Foods, Kroger and Target. Each of these stores has their own online store coupons you can print to stack with a manufacturer's coupon for the same product. In my area, Publix is the only store who will accept competing store's coupons as well, although you should ask your grocer what their rules are. Meaning, I can print a coupon from Target's coupon page online, use it at Publix, combine it with a manufacture's coupon on top of an already going sale & CHA CHING money in my pocket! There are several sites you can print manufacture coupons from, but my favorites are and because there are added benefits in printing coupons from their sites. Swagbucks gives rewards points which I use to redeem Amazon dollars that never expire, while Commonkindness donates money to a charity of your choice when you use their coupons. Another great site is for organic coupons alone. In addition, many products allow you to print coupons from their own webpage, such as Stonyfield Yogurt. On top of all this, there are rewards programs from leading companies that give you free stuff from buying their products. Pampers, Huggies, Stonyfield Farms and even Kellogs have consumer loyalty programs. I frequently redeem free grocery vouchers in return for buying products I already saved huge on. I know it may seem overwhelming when reading, but it really is so simple if you can be ever so slightly organized. I save about $40 a week in coupons alone, spend about $200 a month on groceries and still have savings loop holes kicking in afterwards. On top of this, we eat mostly organic, crap free, yummy, belly filling foods. The details can get quite extensive so if you have a question..ASK! I want to share the wealth of savings & goodness with you!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Giraffe Sighting
As I pulled into the parking lot of the Goodwill today, my daughter shouted with genuine excitement, 'Look Mommy, a giant giraffe!' I have seen a lot of things at the Goodwill, but this is a first. I looked around us and did not see what my sweet pea was so excited about. Sadly, I did not see the giant giraffe as quickly because I was not seeing through the eyes of a child. When she pointed upwards, I saw in the distance, waaaaaay up in the sky, the long orange neck of a mechanical crane and something jutting off the top with a downwards angle, as though the 'giraffe' was looking down upon us. Wow! How much more amazing and entertaining would life be if our sight was not so clouded? Tomorrow, I am hoping to see an elephant..or maybe even a flying one!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Awesome Coffee Deal
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Take a Bold Step
My son is officially walking now! He was in the bumbling baby steps phase for a while but he has decided it is much better to just stand up and go- as hard and as fast as his sweet little feet will take him. Watching his steps got me thinking about the parallel lesson here. I have moments in life where I am getting around just fine, although things can almost always get better. How often do I really make the most of things? How often do I become apathetic or numb to my state of being, not realizing how much better life can be? Because I don't want to exert the time, energy or effort to figure it out, I am actually missing out big time! Sounds pretty lazy right? I bet we could all apply this concept somewhere in our lives, whether it be spiritually, physically or even relational. Taking something to the next level can be taxing, but it is also part of what makes the accomplishment so sweet. Growth and challenge are inevitable in life, it is perspective that's the determining factor. If an area of your life came to mind while you were reading this, put it in child like perspective. Are you going to crawl your way through it on your hands and knees, or boldly stand up with hands held high and walk towards what lies ahead?
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Crazy Cheap Olympic Pampers
I was in Kroger today and found the Limited Edition Olympics Pampers Crusiers marked down to $12.49 for a box of 96. I have found the best way to calculate a real deal on diapers is to divide the dollar amount by number of diapers to get a per diaper price. My general rule is .17 a diaper is pretty great. Well, when I combined my $2.50 off Pampers coupon, I got the box for $10, making the diapers .10 each!! I have never found diapers so cheap. On top of that goodness, there are also $30 in coupons inside! Look for this 'dated' limited edition for a steal of a deal and your kids can merrily sport USA on their cute little butt!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Mommies Cannot Outgrow Daddy's Love
I just wrapped up a wonderful week long visit by my Dad. Living in separate States, sometimes visit are too few and far between. We had sooo much fun together as a family! He plays quite the role in our house: Dad, Father in Law and Grampa all at once. I whirlwind between Mommy, Wife and Daughter, although being the child can feel a bit unfamiliar at times. No matter what the role being played, it was so nice to hug my Daddy good morning as well as get kisses good night. I don't think a Mommy ever gets too old for her Daddy. Through all the stages of growth in life, that is something we cannot ever outgrow. I know I am blessed to have an earthly Dad that loves me well and know that there are too many people who do not. My Dad's visit also got me thinking about God's love for us, as He is the ultimate Dad, not leaving anyone orphaned or unloved. He is waiting for us with open arms, hoping we receive His love. He wants us to ask Him for everything, no matter how silly or small it may seem to us. That's what Daddy's do, they love and give unconditionally of themselves. It brings Him joy to love us. No matter which Daddy you have in your life- earthly, heavenly or both, let his love for you sink deep into your heart. No child can never outgrow or outrun their Daddy's love for them. Sink into your Daddy's arms and experience His love for you.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Smile and Say FREE
Not many things are more beautiful in life than a smile. This week, smile and say FREE because you can get toothpaste for free at Publix starting Wednesday August 15th until the sale lasts the following Wednesday. The sale price for Aquafresh Toothpaste is $1 each. However there are two websites offering printable coupons for $1 off Aquafresh Toothpaste. If your Publix accepts coupons from Target, go to the coupon section of Target's website and print your $1 off coupon. Also, Aquafresh is offering $1 off on their own website in the 'savings' section. Stock up with two tubes and bring on the smiles!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Green Laundry
Congratulations to Renee, the winner of 'It's Easy Being Green.' Many thanks to all who participated! Renee hangs her clothes on the line, making her life a little more green. We do the same at our house, as the dryer is one of the largest contributors to the electric bill. Not only will hanging your clothes on the line save your electric bill, but your clothes will last longer as well, not being exposed to such high heat. Another tip I have found in the laundry area that saves money and is a little more green, is to use natural laundry soda. I have started using Nellie's All Natural 100 Load Laundry Soda
and it totally works. I wish I would have known about this product sooner! It seems to good to be true, but for $16 you can get 100 clean loads of laundry, chemical free, with only 1 tablespoon of powder! And you get a cute tin to use for something else later. Check it out for yourself if you don't believe me. Even though our contest is over, additional tips that make your life a little greener are always welcome.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Pesto Pizza with Tomatoes & Goat Cheese
Friday, August 10, 2012
Need a Laugh?
My son, who is 14 months old, is learning to stick out his tongue. It has made me realize how far removed we get from the simple things in life. While all sitting at the dinner table, I stuck out my tongue, teaching my son to do the same. My 2 year old daughter started joining in on the fun too, then my husband. Before you know it, we all have our tongues stuck out, wiggling them fast and silly. We could not help but laugh! I am proposing you give this a try. If you need a laugh, this is a guaranteed way to get the giggles flowing quickly. Next time the dinner table conversation is a bit boring a grim, stick your tongue out and see what happens.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
FREE Personalized Birthday Invitations
Now through August 11th you can get 30 FREE personalized birthday photo invitations with envelopes, just pay $3.99 to have them shipped to your door. This deal is available through with code 30FREEBIRTHDAY I mean seriously, you can't even buy 30 super cute invites for this price-much less with a photo of your choice! I used their site a few months back with a similar deal on note cards and can testify that their product is fantastic with speedy shipping. If you know of someone having a birthday in the near future, this could be a really special and super affordable way to invite people to celebrate!
Amazon August Coupons
Amazon Coupons
Monday, August 6, 2012
Green Giveaway
Congratulations to Allison, who was the winner of the Summer Splash Frugal Fun Giveaway! Now it's on to another giveaway, but this time I'm going green. Enter to win 'It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth Friendly Living' by Crissy Trask. This book is filled with great tips and tricks to aid in conservation, green shopping & eco-living. To enter, you must be a follower of Merry, Mary, Marry. Simply comment below stating you are follower and share one of your green living tips. If you'd like to double your chances of winning, you may enter twice, with a separate comment below, if you also subscribe by email. Winner will be announced Monday, August 13th, making the start to someone's work week a little more merry.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Ultimate Swap
Shannon's my name and swappin's my game,
I've learned the tricks of the trade, reaping glam from the lame.
I swapped death for Life in the Love of Jesus Christ,
swapped stilettos for flats, don't swing my hips, but plastic baseball bats.
Swapped a meaningless date for a loving eternal mate,
lazy days by the pool for tiny drips of sweet baby drool.
Swapped a falsely purposed life to be a fulfilled mother and wife,
stopped living on small wage tips, found better reward in that of my husband's lips.
Swapped articles on fashion for the latest parenting mag,
leather clutches now replaced by the hallowed diaper bag.
Swapped changing my hair dye for the change of a diaper,
led by the Holy Spirit now, not lured by nice sounds of the ill fated Pied Piper.
Swapped the old life for new and didn't have a clue,
of the joy I would find in children one and two.
Got something to trade? Put it on the table,
your worst nightmare can still turn beautifully,
live out your best dreamed fable.
I've learned the tricks of the trade, reaping glam from the lame.
I swapped death for Life in the Love of Jesus Christ,
swapped stilettos for flats, don't swing my hips, but plastic baseball bats.
Swapped a meaningless date for a loving eternal mate,
lazy days by the pool for tiny drips of sweet baby drool.
Swapped a falsely purposed life to be a fulfilled mother and wife,
stopped living on small wage tips, found better reward in that of my husband's lips.
Swapped articles on fashion for the latest parenting mag,
leather clutches now replaced by the hallowed diaper bag.
Swapped changing my hair dye for the change of a diaper,
led by the Holy Spirit now, not lured by nice sounds of the ill fated Pied Piper.
Swapped the old life for new and didn't have a clue,
of the joy I would find in children one and two.
Got something to trade? Put it on the table,
your worst nightmare can still turn beautifully,
live out your best dreamed fable.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Receipt Reading Pays
It really does pay, literally, to check your receipt. I just had three separate instances this week where I was incorrectly charged, and by catching them, saved about $20. If you have a Kroger in your area, and are charged incorrectly, their policy is to give you a full refund, not only the difference. I purchased 3 pound bag of apples there that were priced per bag, but was instead charged per pound. Cha-ching- free organic apples and $6 in my pocket. This also happened with some chips that were meant to be 2 for $5 according to the sign, but were incorrectly $3.29 each. My third instance was actually at a department store. I was purchasing a kitchen appliance with a coupon. I gave the coupon to the sales clerk, watched her scan the bar code, paid and went my way. Once I got to the car I noticed my 20% off did not register when it was scanned. I went back in and was refunded my $10. I think too many of us assume that sales clerks and registers do not make mistakes, shoving receipts away into the black abyss of a cute over-sized purse. Start checking your receipt and let me know what savings you catch. Great lesson learned for me. Now I just need to make myself do it before I walk back to the car!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Dinosaur for Lunch
Getting my children to eat healthy meals can be a battle some days. To put a spin in the mix, I got out the cookie cutters today. An average Cheese Quesadilla is now exciting, new, and even healthy! I used spinach tortillas to sneak in some added vitamins while the kids loved their green Jurassic themed lunch basking under the yellow tomato sun. This is also a great idea for parties, young and old, as you can use any theme and shape you like. What creative twists do you use in your cooking?
Easy Going, Ever Giving Chicken
Thursday, August 2, 2012
You Want to Judge Me?
I was in the grocery store this morning with my 1 and 2 year old children, and I was TOTALLY judged by another woman. I am not going to tell you the details as they are not really pertinent to the act of the judgement itself. Honestly, my first emotions were of embarrassment, hurt, and then arrow piercing fury. I immediately left the store without saying anything to the woman (which was a good thing at that point) and when I was putting my children back in their car seats Mary, mother of Jesus, popped in my mind. Pretty random huh? No, I think God was reminding me I am not the only woman, or mother, who has been or will be unjustifiably judged. I wonder if word got out in Mary's community that she had Divinely conceived the Savior of the world. Can you imagine what her neighbors would have thought and said about her, the crazy looks she may have got? I wonder if that would have bothered her, or if she was able to hold fast to the promises God gave her, not thinking twice on the opinion of someone else. Mary had a distinct God given purpose and she knew it. God has given you & I the same. Of the million and one things that purpose could be, they are all just as important when deemed by Him. He created all of us with and in purpose and no silly judgmental woman (or anyone else) can ever take that from us. I am the first one to say that unjust thoughts of others have crept into my head; I wish that were not the case. The point is, who I am and who are you to judge anyone? Thankfully, God is the judge and He knows our hearts better than we do ourselves. I wish I could have smiled at that woman today, thanked her for her unwanted words and asked her for a tissue to wipe the snot trailing from my son's nose towards his top lip. I am not ashamed to be a sometimes exhausted mother of two beautiful toddlers with food smeared on their faces and loud vocal cords. I am purposed and so are they.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Wild Line Caught Tuna Deal
I found a super score on Amazon today with a new $10 off coupon being offered. Crown Prince Natural Solid White Albacore Tuna
Garden Scramble Wrap
Today was a 'there is nothing to eat in this house,' day- or so I thought. I guess when I get hungry enough my creative juices start flowing in the kitchen. After staring blankly into my fridge for several minutes, a light bulb went off that turned into the yummy goodness in this picture. My garden is producing tons of tomatoes right now as well basil. I made a batch of basil pesto last week which is an excellent condiment to have in the fridge for moments like these. So, I scrambled up 2 eggs with a dollop of cream cheese, added my diced garden tomatoes and corn from my local farmer's market. I then took a spinach wrap (which I scored a pack of for .60 last week at Publix when combining my coupon with their sale), spread some pesto down the middle, and laid my garden scramble on top. Voila. Something from nothing is mmmmm tasty! Try it and tell me what you think.
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