Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Garden Scramble Wrap

Today was a 'there is nothing to eat in this house,' day- or so I thought. I guess when I get hungry enough my creative juices start flowing in the kitchen. After staring blankly into my fridge for several minutes, a light bulb went off that turned into the yummy goodness in this picture. My garden is producing tons of tomatoes right now as well basil. I made a batch of basil pesto last week which is an excellent condiment to have in the fridge for moments like these. So, I scrambled up 2 eggs with a dollop of cream cheese, added my diced garden tomatoes and corn from my local farmer's market. I then took a spinach wrap (which I scored a pack of for .60 last week at Publix when combining my coupon with their sale), spread some pesto down the middle, and laid my garden scramble on top. Voila. Something from nothing is mmmmm tasty! Try it and tell me what you think.

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