Thursday, August 16, 2012

Crazy Cheap Olympic Pampers

I was in Kroger today and found the Limited Edition Olympics Pampers Crusiers marked down to $12.49 for a box of 96. I have found the best way to calculate a real deal on diapers is to divide the dollar amount by number of diapers to get a per diaper price. My general rule is .17 a diaper is pretty great. Well, when I combined my $2.50 off Pampers coupon, I got the box for $10, making the diapers .10 each!! I have never found diapers so cheap. On top of that goodness, there are also $30 in coupons inside! Look for this 'dated' limited edition for a steal of a deal and your kids can merrily sport USA on their cute little butt!

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