Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Ultimate Swap

Shannon's my name and swappin's my game,
I've learned the tricks of the trade, reaping glam from the lame. 
I swapped death for Life in the Love of Jesus Christ,
swapped stilettos for flats, don't swing my hips, but plastic baseball bats.
Swapped a meaningless date for a loving eternal mate,
lazy days by the pool for tiny drips of sweet baby drool.
Swapped a falsely purposed life to be a fulfilled mother and wife,
stopped living on small wage tips, found better reward in that of my husband's lips. 
Swapped articles on fashion for the latest  parenting mag,
leather clutches now replaced by the hallowed diaper bag.
Swapped changing my hair dye for the change of a diaper,
led by the Holy Spirit now, not lured by nice sounds of the ill fated Pied Piper.
Swapped the old life for new and didn't have a clue,
of the joy I would find in children one and two. 
Got something to trade? Put it on the table,
your worst nightmare can still turn beautifully,
live out your best dreamed fable. 

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