Sunday, August 19, 2012

Take a Bold Step

My son is officially walking now! He was in the bumbling baby steps phase for a while but he has decided it is much better to just stand up and go- as hard and as fast as his sweet little feet will take him. Watching his steps got me thinking about the parallel lesson here. I have moments in life where I am getting around just fine, although things can almost always get better. How often do I really make the most of things? How often do I become apathetic or numb to my state of being, not realizing how much better life can be? Because I don't want to exert the time, energy or effort to figure it out, I am actually missing out big time! Sounds pretty lazy right? I bet we could all apply this concept somewhere in our lives, whether it be spiritually, physically or even relational. Taking something to the next level can be taxing, but it is also part of what makes the accomplishment so sweet. Growth and challenge are inevitable in life, it is perspective that's the determining factor. If an area of your life came to mind while you were reading this, put it in child like perspective. Are you going to crawl your way through it on your hands and knees, or boldly stand up with hands held high and walk towards what lies ahead?


  1. Reading your blog this morning i remembered what my little guy was doing the other day. I nurse him every few hours yet he cries every time i need to switch sides. and I laugh because I think to myself, goodness, i do this every few hours, don't you remember that I am going to continue to feed you.I then realized how many times do we whine and fuss to our heavenly Father when we get into a situation. Oh God do you see how tight our money is, or oh goodness our vehicle broke down what will we do, or how are we going to put food on the table this week.i wonder if He says the same thing, "oh sweet one, don't you remember when I caught you last time or the time before when I blessed you with a vehicle, how about the time before that when I sent people to your door with food for you." It's good to cry out, it keeps us dependent on Christ.

  2. I LOVE this! Thank you so so much for sharing. Very sweet and oh so very true!!
