Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mommies Cannot Outgrow Daddy's Love

I just wrapped up a wonderful week long visit by my Dad. Living in separate States, sometimes visit are too few and far between. We had sooo much fun together as a family! He plays quite the role in our house: Dad, Father in Law and Grampa all at once. I whirlwind between Mommy, Wife and Daughter, although being the child can feel a bit unfamiliar at times. No matter what the role being played, it was so nice to hug my Daddy good morning as well as get kisses good night. I don't think a Mommy ever gets too old for her Daddy. Through all the stages of growth in life, that is something we cannot ever outgrow. I know I am blessed to have an earthly Dad that loves me well and know that there are too many people who do not. My Dad's visit also got me thinking about God's love for us, as He is the ultimate Dad, not leaving anyone orphaned or unloved. He is waiting for us with open arms, hoping we receive His love. He wants us to ask Him for everything, no matter how silly or small it may seem to us. That's what Daddy's do, they love and give unconditionally of themselves. It brings Him joy to love us. No matter which Daddy you have in your life- earthly, heavenly or both, let his love for you sink deep into your heart. No child can never outgrow or outrun their Daddy's love for them. Sink into your Daddy's arms and experience His love for you.

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