Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dating Revised

With age comes wisdom. This a phrase I am beginning to understand and not simply think of as a shiny lure for life in my 30's. Looking at my life ten years ago in comparison to the here and now, I gladly notice some pretty huge changes. Specifically, one of these changes is in the form of a four letter word. Yes, I am going to say it, you may need to brace yourself... D-A-T-E. The word 'date' brings on various, colorful  feelings for most of us lovely ladies. When you hear the word date, do you get nervous, excited, anxious, joyful or scared? For the old me, a date meant wining and dining, sometimes until the sun came back around shining, the next day. Money was tossed around like confetti and time was of no consideration. Honestly, it was really great! Although a date does not look the same these days, with my oh so hunky husband, they are sometimes exceedingly better. Approaching 30, some of my younger insecurities have fallen away. We can now sink into the sofa's embrace, disheveled and exhausted,  side by side in front of the television's glow. Sigh. I do not need to meticulously line my eyes and hide my pimples with makeup. I do not need to shop for a new pair of shoes that will have me working overtime to pay them off, or eat less the day before to fit in my newest, sexiest dress. I do not need to do anything except be myself and be with him. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to be taken out and treated once in a while. But as crazy as it may sound, a date in our living room can sometimes be far more exciting, and much less taxing, than my date nights of old. Can anyone relate?

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