Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Challenge Worth Taking

I have challenged myself to something I want you invite you into as well. I've been thinking a lot lately about relationships in general and the people that God places in my life. When I looked in detail at my week's activities, I realized that some weeks I see the employees at the grocery store more than anyone else outside of my household. Wow, right?!  So, why the heck do I not know these people by name and have relationships with them that are real and meaningful?? So, when I go shopping this week, I am going to ask people's names, remember them, and call them by name in the future. I know that is what I would want if I were them. They are not shadows of my shopping experience, but special people with incredible stories waiting to be told and loved on. Who would ever say no to that? I know it may not be convenient or comfortable at first, but what really is that is worth the dive? Will you join me?

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