Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Wants

The other day I found myself getting so tired of hearing the words, 'I want' clammering off my daughter's mouth. 'I want a snack. I want ice cream. I want to go down the slide.' And so it goes all the day long, I want, I want, I want. Thankfully,God's sweet Spirit stopped and gave me a double check once over of myself. He said, ' You know I hear the same words coming from your mouth all day too.' GASP???! Why was I so shocked? It is totally true and I had a splinter the size of a redwood tree in my eye. God hears my whiny inner voice saying, 'I want a break. I want a new couch. I want the sun to come out. I want new red designer flats in a size 6 pleeeeease.' I may even have a case of the I wants worse than my precious daughter. Thank you Jesus for gently putting me in my place. I need to turn my wants into gratitude for what I already have, and one day hopefully the same trend will be seen by my children. Thank you Lord for a new day with new mercies, and a little less I wants. 

1 comment:

  1. it would be an interesting challenge to spend a day (or a week or month depending on how ambitious one is) to say "i have" every time the thought of 'i want' comes into the mind. when you want new designer flats...think - i already have ankle strap wedges. when you want a new sofa...think - i have beautiful hardwood floors. i often remind myself of the many things i have to be thankful for. it helps to think about when i was younger - just starting out in life and didn't have much. what would i have killed for back then? or i think about someone living in a tiny studio apartment, eating ramen, huddled next to a heater, who has to work 6 days a week. that is a bleak portrait compared with my life (even though i too live in an apartment and eat ramen occasionally...but i do have 2 heaters!)the point is that our life is always better off than someone else's even if the better off comes by the way of experience and friendship.
