Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Dinner at the Bennett's is Meat-ish Loaf tonight. This meal is an inexpensive, nutritious & delicious option that feeds four for under $5. Wondering what the 'ish' part is? I'll tell you...I mixed 1 pound organic ground beef ($2.99  at Kroger on sale) with 1 package  of non-gmo soy crumbles also found at Kroger, on sale for $1.49. Instead of using an egg, I substituted 1 TBS ground flax seed mixed with 3 TBS water. Then I mixed in 1/2 C oats and 1/3 C water along with salt and pepper to taste. Finally I added 1 shredded carrot & 1/4 chopped onion to the mixture, put in a loaf pan and topped it with a sauce made of ketchup, dijon mustard and brown sugar. Barbecue sauce is also a great option.  Then bake at 350 for about an hour, or until firm and the loaf pulls away from the sides of the pan. I'm serving it with garlic mashed potatoes, corn and rolls, but this dinner will go with almost anything you have on hand. If you try it, let me know how it goes. I'd also love some new meatloaf recipes if you've got one!


  1. You are a rock-star chef, my friend! I wish I was as creative as you in the kitchen!! Any suggestions on what I can do with some chicken breasts, mushrooms and a bottle of port??

  2. Oooh yummy ingredients! Well, anything you do with the port to reduce it in a sauce will need other ingredients such as a broth, shallots & herbs among other possible things. But, the 1st thing that came to my mind is a 'gourmet' pizza with an olive oil base then the chicken, mushrooms, a yummy different cheese (blue?) and drizzle the port reduction over the top :) Ok I'm hungry!

  3. Oh my goodness! That sounds divine!!! I'm headed to publix this afternoon, so I may grab some shallots and broth - I have feta. What that work? I've never made a "reduction" before, so I may need to call you on that one :)
