Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Matching Socks?

Between my curious kids and the monster feasting on socks in my dryer, I do not ever seem to have a clean, matching pair of socks. Most days, a matching pair of socks is the least of my concern while my children are teaching each other how to twist off the milk cap and watch the epic splash on the floor. I suppose I could look at this as an opportunity to live more freely, not caring what people may think of me or my children and our wacky mis-matched socks. I realize that the very thought of this may be horrifying while imagining the warped stares of strangers  directed at your feet. So this got me thinking, am I the only one who does not always wear matching socks? Come on, be honest now. I mean where did the idea of matching socks come from in the first place? I suppose it's a social standard we all walked into without ever thinking twice. So, if you come across someone without matching socks, think twice before giving judgement. Perhaps the act of wearing socks alone is an achievement, or maybe they walk in a freedom that is waiting for you to explore. 

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