Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Smile, Jesus Loves New!

Today is the start of a new year, 2013. Typically, New Year's Day comes with a pause for celebration, resolutions and intention of change, all fading fast a few days later. I started thinking about today from a spiritual perspective and stopped to ponder on the fact that God is all about the 'New'. A quick word search in the Bible brings close to 200 appearances of the word 'new' depending on the translation you are searching. Some of these truths tell us things like how God's mercies for us are new every morning, a new commandment of love, a new covenant in the blood of Jesus, the new creation you and I are if we choose to be in Jesus, and lastly in Revelation 21:5 'Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful.' That is all pretty exciting, radical stuff if you take a chance to take it to heart! I guess what I'm getting at, is that you don't have to wait for a holiday on the calendar to celebrate the new when it can be celebrated EVERYDAY! Think about it, He gives us a new day every morning. He could give us the same day every day of our lives if He chose and we would live in insanity like Ferris Bueller. Can you imagine it? I mean seriously, we have new mercies every day, each day being new itself?! What an awesome and loving God He is to delight in making all things new in Him-even you and I! So yes, Happy New Year- but maybe lets think about celebrating the New Day we wake up to on January 2nd and so on as well. Who couldn't use a little more confetti in their life?!

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