Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Dating Revised
With age comes wisdom. This a phrase I am beginning to understand and not simply think of as a shiny lure for life in my 30's. Looking at my life ten years ago in comparison to the here and now, I gladly notice some pretty huge changes. Specifically, one of these changes is in the form of a four letter word. Yes, I am going to say it, you may need to brace yourself... D-A-T-E. The word 'date' brings on various, colorful feelings for most of us lovely ladies. When you hear the word date, do you get nervous, excited, anxious, joyful or scared? For the old me, a date meant wining and dining, sometimes until the sun came back around shining, the next day. Money was tossed around like confetti and time was of no consideration. Honestly, it was really great! Although a date does not look the same these days, with my oh so hunky husband, they are sometimes exceedingly better. Approaching 30, some of my younger insecurities have fallen away. We can now sink into the sofa's embrace, disheveled and exhausted, side by side in front of the television's glow. Sigh. I do not need to meticulously line my eyes and hide my pimples with makeup. I do not need to shop for a new pair of shoes that will have me working overtime to pay them off, or eat less the day before to fit in my newest, sexiest dress. I do not need to do anything except be myself and be with him. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to be taken out and treated once in a while. But as crazy as it may sound, a date in our living room can sometimes be far more exciting, and much less taxing, than my date nights of old. Can anyone relate?
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Get Paid to Purge
I have one cabinet dedicated to chaotic baby bottle madness. Lids, nipples and cups fall out of the door when it is even slightly cracked open. Yes, I need to purge through what we no longer use-which is most of it! Sound familiar? Well, there is a really cool website called Ecomom that wants to pay us for getting rid of the bottles and sippy cups we no longer use. Now through August 31st, ecomom Bottle Buy Back gets you $50 to spend on their site. This is exciting because they have some really cool products and are all of course eco friendly. Food, diapers, toiletries-you name it they've got it. Visit ecomom
for yourself and join in on getting paid to clean out a cabinet!
Friday, July 27, 2012
FREE Shutterfly 8x8 Photo Book
Have you heard of Zulily? It is a super cute daily deals for mom's, kids & babies. If you check it out and sign up today, you get a FREE 8x8 Shutterfly photo book in return! Once you sign up, the offer code immediately appears for redemption. Not sure when this deal disappears, so get it quick here: http://www.zulily.com/invite/sbennett2980
Amazon Warehouse Saves BIG
I just discovered the awesome and amazing Amazon Warehouse
Thursday, July 26, 2012
A Real FriEND Loves to the END
When reading Luke chapter 1, we learn that Mary and Elizabeth are relatives. They both have become pregnant by the Grace of God and Elizabeth is about 6 months further along than Mary. When Mary is told of Elizabeth's pregnancy she quickly goes into the hill country to visit Elizabeth and stays with her for about 3 months. After reading this, I let it sink in for a moment. The scripture leads me to believe that Mary was in her 1st trimester when she made the trek into the hills to see Elizabeth. Ok, Mary did not simply book her online ticket through Southwest, catch a cab to the airport and then have a friend pick her up upon arrival. I imagine she walked into those hills, probably very tired at times, with crazy food cravings and maybe even fighting morning sickness. Who knows what she wore and how much she packed! All so that she could be with her friend. Yes, I think they were friends. Scripture tells us that Mary and Elizabeth were relatives, but in my opinion, they had to have had a friendship within their blood linked relations. I mean seriously, would you walk from one town to another up hill while you were pregnant to see someone that was just a relative? On top of that, to stay with another pregnant woman for the last 3 months of her pregnancy while you are pregnant yourself, is dedication and love. They must have had a very close, genuine, friendship and relationship. This got me thinking about the women in my life. If I want to be a better friend, cousin, daughter- you fill in the blank, Mary sets a pretty high standard of selflessness. I suppose that is why she was chosen to birth Jesus. To be honest, some days it seems too difficult to send a text much less a phone call to a sweet lady in my life. Some days I have got it quite backwards. Too often I let life get busy and relationships lie wasting when they should be freshly loved upon and given to. Does this ring a bell with anyone or am I alone in this? If it sounds familiar, let's go the extra mile today (and maybe a little uphill) to let that person know you love them and God does too. More times than not, words do not even need to be spoken, just the action of selfless Love itself.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Coloring with Class
Publix gets the prize this week for best deals in my book. I got all that is pictured here for only .50, yes- two quarters! Publix has Crayola Crayons (24 Ct) 3 for $1, combined with the Target printable coupon of .50 off $1 Crayola = .50. Also, the Papermate pens shown are 2 for $1, combined with Target prinatble coupon $1 off Papermate = FREE. If you do not need them personally, give them to someone who does. The crayons deal happened to be perfect timing for the new Preschool Pals coloring book we got in the mail from Publix. If you have a baby or toddler you totally should sign up (for free) with their clubs for awesome exclusive coupons & fun stuff for the kiddos through the mail. In addition, Publix has an entire flyer this week featuring their Greenwise products on sale. You can get their organic store brands for less than the big shots! Thank you Publix for helping me prove that it doesn't have to be expensive to eat organic! Oh, and for allowing me to afford the higher echelon of crayons. Yep, rollin' with Crayola class.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Zucchini Muffin Madness
Sometimes nature overdoes itself, as you can see from this 'larger than a baby' zucchini. I have the perfect Zucchini Muffin recipe that will help use up your garden's bounty as well as sneak vegetables into a delicious treat without your kids or husband ever knowing!
1 1/2 C all purpose flour 1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 large overripe banana 1/2 C sugar
1/4 C maple syrup 1 C pureed zucchini
1/4 C cooking oil ** nuts/chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 & spray muffin tin (mini or regular size) with nonstick spray. Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Puree zucchini, uncooked & unpeeled. (It is a water packed veggie, so purees easily) Combine wet ingredients to mixed dry ingredient bowl. If desired, add a handful of chocolate chips or chopped nuts for a twist. Fill muffin cups & bake about 15-20 minutes, until golden on edges. Filled with flavor, super moist muffins for kids, adults & vegans alike!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Stonyfield Farms Savings
While running into Kroger for milk, I stumbled upon some SUPER 'Managers Special' savings on yogurt. I got all of this Stonyfield Farms yogurt for a total of only $1.89! The breakdown was as follows: $2.00 for 32oz yogurt, $1.39 for YoBaby 4 pack, & 6oz cups of yogurt .50 each. I then combined the following coupons all printed from Stonyfield.com: $2 off 3 Stonyfield Items, .50 off 3 6oz yogurt cups and .50 off 32oz yogurt. There is also an added bonus: every yogurt lid has a code for rewards. I have a bag that I collect my yogurt lids in. Then once a week I enter my codes on Stonyfield Farm's website and redeem for FREE ORGANIC GROCERIES. The codes add up very quickly for rewards. As for my plethora of yogurt score, the expiration dates are not far off, (hence the special) so we will eat a few for breakfast and use the rest to stock our freezer with homemade yogurt pops! Check the organic dairy section next time you're at Kroger and scoop up the savings!
Frozen Java Joy
I've got a coffee shake for you that is better & cheaper than your favorite local coffee shop. This week Breyers icecream is Buy 1 Get 1 Free at Publix. Combine your printable coupons from Target.com & Coupons.com on top off the sale price to get another $2.50 off. So, this gets you 2 cartons of Breyer's ice cream for $1.75 each. I like to use the All Natural Vanilla or All Natural Vanilla Fudge Brownie for this shake. Then, over a period of days, start freezing the last of your coffee from your coffee pot that always goes down the drain. Fill an ice cube tray with your left over coffee, freeze & store in zipped baggie. Put desired amount of ice cream, frozen coffee cubes & a splash of milk into blender & VOILA! For just pennies, you have some creamy java joy in seconds. Try it and tell me what you think!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Coupon Scores: Pampers & POM
I LOVE to coupon. In fact, even if I did not need to do it, I totally would. I mean if someone wants to save me some money, I will let them. Every penny adds up right? So, I always clip coupons that I may have even just a slight interest in buying, regardless if I have before or not. This paid off big at my recent trip to Kroger. I ended going home with FREE Pampers diapers and POM Wonderful juice for ONLY .24! Both items were on Manager's Specials. The diapers had been ripped open, so they were clearanced to $2.00 from $9.99. My handy dandy $2.00 off Pampers coupon made these free in my basket. The pomegranate juice was on closeout at $1.24 each, combined with my $1.00 coupon, making it the price my GranGran was used to seeing in the early 1900's. It is things like this that put a merry skip in my step! What awesome coupon scores are you found recently?
Friday, July 20, 2012
FREE eBook Home Decor on a Budget
We recently purchased our first home and of course the things I would like to see done to it far exceed our bank account. There is nothing 'wrong' with our home, I just want to make it more 'ours' with those little touches (and lots of paint). I am sure you know exactly what I mean, right? So, in making the most of my dollar, I came across this awesome eBook that is filled with GREAT ideas that repurpose items for home decor. Crib turned craft station, door turned dining table, are just a few tastes of what this book offers. The eBook is FREE if you are an Amazon Prime member, for use on your Kindle. Not a member? I can justify $3.95 for this practically genius book. Check it out for yourself. You can preview the first two pages before purchasing which, by the way, is a major tease as to the brilliant ideas to come!
Crazy Good Love
Have you ever heard the phrase, 'You can't choose love, love chooses you' ? I wonder about this. I met my husband when we were in the 6th grade. He was my boyfriend with whom I would hold hands in between classes, kiss at the bus zone at days end, and meet at the skating rink where he wrapped his arms around me. Then life went on, boys came and went, and we ran into each other again at the age of 20. I got butterflies from a guy that I knew when I was 12. As crazy as that sounds, within one month of that we were living together. We had a very long hard life for the next four years based on bad choices that did everything possible to break us. But, despite of all the darkness in our lives, I still loved him, and that kept the light on for me. We then met Jesus and our lives turned right side up as we learned how to love each other the way God loves us. Today my husband turns 30 and it has brought me to reflect on all of this crazy love. If anyone ever told me where I would be at this moment, I would have thought they were crazier than the life I lived. Regardless, love endures the test of time. So far, we have passed the test, always learning, always loving. My husband ROCKS and I love him crazy good. Happy Birthday Babe!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Savor Your Sunflowers
There is something about a sunflower that makes me smile before I even realize it's happened. I always try to have them in my garden, if they manage to win the race against the squirrels and chipmunks in their early days of growth. I also like to make the most of these beauties by harvesting the seeds of my sunflowers. If you have never harvested any of your own seeds (flower or vegetable) this is a perfect first time candidate as the seeds are so large. Once the sunflower has seen it's last day of glory, cut the bloom off of the stem and set it in a dry sunny place for about a week or so until all moisture is gone. Then, break the head of the sunflower in two to begin picking seeds. This is a great summer activity for kids too as they learn about nature while being hands on in the process. Be careful though, some dried sunflowers can get pretty prickly! After you have gathered your seeds, you can either put them in an airtight bag for next Spring, make bird seed, or put them in the oven lightly salted for a tasty home grown snack. Whichever you choose, it can surely be said that one little seed goes a very long way!
HUGE Whole Foods Savings
I LOVE to shop at Whole Foods...when I can afford it. The yummy samples & free snack for kids is an added bonus to this glorious gourmet store. If you are willing to turn on your printer and do a little clicking on your computer, you can save $25.75 in coupons alone this week! Whole foods has their own store coupons you can print from their website, and then add with other manufacture's coupons from sites like mambosprouts.com, commonkindness.com (which donates to a charity of your choice when you use their coupon!)as well as the manufacture themselves. These coupons combined with weekly sales will make the most of your dollar for sure! Everything I am listing is a total savings with both coupons combined for purchase:
$2 off 1 Zevia 6 pack
$2 off 2 boxes Cascadian Farms Cereal
$2 off 6 Cliff Bars (2 of those being Cliff Mojo)
$2 off 1 Saffron Road Product
$5 off Xlear Nasal Spray
$2.50 off 1 Sambazon Juice
$2 off 1 POM Wonderful Juice
$1.50 off 2 6 packs of Organic Valley Eggs
$2 off 1 Earths Balance Mindful Mayo
$1.75 off 1Stonyfield Farms Frozen Yogurt
$2 off 1 Zevia 6 pack
$2 off 2 boxes Cascadian Farms Cereal
$2 off 6 Cliff Bars (2 of those being Cliff Mojo)
$2 off 1 Saffron Road Product
$5 off Xlear Nasal Spray
$2.50 off 1 Sambazon Juice
$2 off 1 POM Wonderful Juice
$1.50 off 2 6 packs of Organic Valley Eggs
$2 off 1 Earths Balance Mindful Mayo
$1.75 off 1Stonyfield Farms Frozen Yogurt
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Simple Eggless Banana Muffins
I do not always have eggs in the fridge since organic eggs tend to be pretty pricey, but I love to bake. So, I have been playing with recipes and now have this yummy one to share. I like mini muffins because they are a great size for snacks & children alike. It is also super easy to make vegan if you choose & very versatile!
Yields 48 mini muffins
2 1/4 C All Purpose Flour
1 C Sugar
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp salt
3 Very Large, Very Ripe Bananas
3/4 C Milk
1 Tbs Vinegar
1 Stick Butter
1 Tsp Vanilla
1 Hand Full Chocolate Chips (optional)
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon (optional)
*If you would like to make this recipe vegan, use any milk substitute you choose, and 1/2 C coconut butter in place of stick butter.
* TIP: Using super ripe bananas allows the surprisingly low amount of sugar in this recipe, 1 Cup, compared to other recipes due to its natural sweetness. Also, if you are ever short an egg in a baking recipe, you can substitute 1 mashed banana or 1 Cup applesauce to accomplish the same purpose.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Organic Amazon Deals: Coffee & Lip Balm
Two AWESOME steals on Amazon's 'Last Chance' page. Get two 12oz bags of yummy arabica, organic, fair trade coffee for a total of $10.69 as well as a 6 pack of Yes To Carrots organic mint lip balm for only $6.02! Don't need 6 of the same lip balm? I bet you have a friend that would love a little gift. Both are eligible for free Super Saver Shipping. Buy before the last chance is gone!
Patience PLEASE
I think it is pretty safe to say that we could all use a little more patience some days. Being a mommy of two small children, sometimes my patience meter is as empty as my wallet after an amazing shoe sale. I am only human, so making mistakes is something I know enough about. Yet, I am tested pretty regularly on how patient I can be (especially with my two little ones in the back seat, sitting in traffic, listening to one scream while the other is repeating the same word 1,472 times AND we are being wafted by the scent of a freshly pooped diaper). So, this got me thinking about Mary and how her patience may have been. For a moment, I tried to imagine what it would be like to be told by an angel that I was going to be pregnant with the Son of God. What would it be like to be pregnant for nine months, waiting and wondering what your son will look like and not being able to imagine it since he does not have your husband's genes? What feelings would be going on in regards to how eager you would be to meet your son, yet your Savior? How do you prepare for any of this without Divinely appointed patience? This leads me to think that Mary's patience ran deeper than mine since these thoughts are pretty normal for a pregnant woman in her circumstance to wonder. This urges me to tap into God's reservoir of patience deeper than before. 'But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.' James 1:4 Let's just remind ourselves that perfection of anything does not come without growth or change that may very well be a bit uncomfortable, especially the perfect work of patience.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Organic Kroger Scores
This week at Kroger you can stock up on organic grapes for $1.99 lb and organic cherries at $2.00 lb! If you enjoy a nice cool glass of white wine on a summer's day, freeze some grapes and use them as ice cubes to keep your white wine cool yet not diluted. Also, I am sure you are aware of Kroger Manager's Specials. Well, I just discovered if you purchase a reduced Manager's Special item and it rings up full price, you get your item FREE. As a result, I stocked up on organic canned corn for FREE! Needless to say, I left Kroger with a smile on my face today! What deals have you found that are totally share worthy?
Friday, July 13, 2012
Starbucks VIA Deal
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Silly Face
Need something to make your day a little more merry?If this little guy doesn't make you smile what will?! What's your best silly face?
Boogers or Sugars?
Do you cringe and close your eyes when you see something gross, green and slimy, such as a booger? Don't let the fright of a booger hold you captive! Have you ever watched a child, or even adult dare I say, shove their finger up their nose, only to pull out and eat the clogging culprit known as the booger? Yes, I said eat it. Well, take a look at it from my daughter's point of view and maybe your mind will be put at ease. She picks and eats her 'sugars'. Has a better ring and visual doesn't it? If you are trying to teach your child (or maybe husband) not to pick their nose, these Boogie Wipes are the perfect transition. Soft, medicated & moisturized with a fresh scent and easy to take on the go, what more could you want in a nose wipe? Stock up for school days ahead and SAVE BIG TIME by purchasing through Amazon's 'Subscribe & Save' while being a member of 'Amazon Mom'. It works out to be just $30.29 ($2.50 a pack ) for 12, 30 count travel packs, or 360 wipes with FREE SHIPPING! Now, seriously, who can relate?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
GMO FREE Breakfast Bar Deal
Miracle Believing Mommy
Luke 1:37 'For with God nothing will be impossible.'
Monday, July 9, 2012
FREE eBook for Family Whole Foods Cooking
Need some new totally tasty and not boring recipes made from real, whole foods? Yeah, me too! Well today is our day because I discovered this FREE eBook to help us on our way. While the title is based around lunch box recipes, the food is all around family friendly for children and adults alike. The author was inspired to write her book after having a revelation of how GREAT real, whole foods can make a person feel, and then realizing that children in our school systems are mostly being fed the counterfeit. So, download this eBook and start cooking. You can get some new ideas for the lunchbox grind ahead too. Maybe can even take your own lunchbox to work? Not only would your body benefit, but your bank account too!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Beware of the Tobacco Worm
Ugly monsters aren't they?! This is the tobacco worm. It is my WORST garden enemy. One day I will go out to admire my beautiful tomato plants, half way ripened and budding more-the next morning it is a devoured scraggly stick! I am not joking, these guys are awful. So, I am sharing my experience with you in hopes of saving your beautiful, bountiful tomato crop. Tobacco worms have only ever feasted on my tomato plants out of all the selections they have. They are almost impossible to see. In fact I can stare at a plant for 5 minutes without noticing 3 giant worms right under my nose. As you can see God gave them some good camouflage. Now, I do all of our gardening organically, leaving me with my fingers as the best deadly defense against this pests. Do not be afraid to pick these guys off of your plant, they will not hurt you. The pointy horn is a visual defense more than anything. They do hold on tight though so be prepared to give a good tug. If you find them with white 'specks' on their back, this is a good thing. Wasps lay their eggs on tobacco worms which will then kill the worm in return. Oh, and if you are like me, I was concerned I was killing a potentially beautiful butterfly. Turns out they become Hawk Moths. While that does sound fascinating, I would rather have a crop of juicy Heirloom tomatoes. And if you need an even brighter side to convince you of their end, you can always feed the birds.
Cheesy Rice & Veggie Casserole
I have many days where I open the fridge or pantry and all I see is a chaotic swirl of left overs and random ingredients. Then my husband says, 'There is nothing to eat.' This is when I have to get into creative cooking gear. Let's make something out of nothing! This recipe came out of a moment like I just described. This is a SIMPLE recipe that you can substitute & add things easily as you prefer.
1 1/2 C brown rice (i had some left overs waiting to be eaten)
1 C frozen broccoli, defrosted
1 C sliced, marinated artichokes (i had a jar open in the fridge)
1 onion
2 Tbs olive oil
16 oz chicken stock
8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 C butter
Heat oven to 350. Spray casserole dish with non stick cooking spray. Dice onion & saute until browned. Mix rice, broccoli, artichokes and sauteed onion together, place in casserole dish. Salt if desired. In a small pot, add stock, butter and cheese. Stir constantly on medium heat until smooth and creamy. Pour over casserole. Bake about 20 minutes or until heated through. *Tips- almost any vegetable you have in the fridge that needs to be used up will go in this. Squash & zucchini would be great choices. A variety of rice could be used as well if you do not desire brown. I always buy a block of cheese and shred myself to save some money. Keep this vegetarian by using vegetable stock instead of chicken. ENJOY!
1 1/2 C brown rice (i had some left overs waiting to be eaten)
1 C frozen broccoli, defrosted
1 C sliced, marinated artichokes (i had a jar open in the fridge)
1 onion
2 Tbs olive oil
16 oz chicken stock
8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 C butter
Heat oven to 350. Spray casserole dish with non stick cooking spray. Dice onion & saute until browned. Mix rice, broccoli, artichokes and sauteed onion together, place in casserole dish. Salt if desired. In a small pot, add stock, butter and cheese. Stir constantly on medium heat until smooth and creamy. Pour over casserole. Bake about 20 minutes or until heated through. *Tips- almost any vegetable you have in the fridge that needs to be used up will go in this. Squash & zucchini would be great choices. A variety of rice could be used as well if you do not desire brown. I always buy a block of cheese and shred myself to save some money. Keep this vegetarian by using vegetable stock instead of chicken. ENJOY!
Summer Frugal Fun Giveaway
Dollar Stretchin' at Target
I don't know about you, but the Tennessee summer heat has got me beat this year! To help cool off and ease your 'glistening' factor, zip over to Target the week and get the 'Perfect Summer Ruffle Tank' by Merona for just $3 when you combine the weekly sale price and print the $3 off Women's Merona Apparel item coupon from Target's website. It's hard to argue with a new top for $3 that will keep me cool AND cute when flippin' burgers tonight for dinner!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Coffee Lover's Deal
Make the most of your dollar and time by stretching it on Amazon.com today. Mout Hagen Organic Freeze Dried Instant Coffee is only $43.76 for a six pack of 3.53 ounce jars with free shipping when you purchase through 'Subscribe & Save'. It gets even better... There is a coupon that you can clip as well, saving an additional $2.00! This makes your delicious cup of morning joe only .70, all the while not having to think about purchasing coffee for at least 6 months if you drink two cups a day like I do. Organically frugal coffee, what's not to be merry about?! Snag this awesome coffee deal quick!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Blessed Mommy
Luke 1:28 'And having come in, the angel said to her, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" '
Shampoop Please
If you take the time to stop and listen what a child has to say, you are bound to end up with a smile on your face at some point. Most of my daily conversation involves my 2 year old daughter and 1 year old son. My daughter washes her hair with 'Shampoop' and loves to play 'Spacketball'. What comes out of your kid's mouth that keeps you smiling?
Beanie Weenies Vegan Style
First off, DO NOT BE SCARED of the word vegan :) I like to cook from scratch because, while it can be time consuming, it is the healthiest way to cook and the best way to make the most of your dollar. This is a recipe I created when I needed to use up the vegan 'hot dogs' I stocked up on and froze while on clearance at the grocery store. At my local grocer, I can always find alternative meat products for at least half the price of meat itself. If spiced up and cooked just right, nobody will ever know the difference! This meal serves about 4 people & cost me less than $3.00 to make!
1 Cup dried navy beans or 2 Canned if short on time
1 package meat alternative vegan hot dogs such as Yves or Light Life
1 large onion
2 TBS olive oil (or butter if not vegan)
1BBQ sauce recipe or Bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (we love Annie's)
Soak beans, cook & rinse according to package directions. Heat oven to 400. Cut hot dogs into small circles, length wise. Dice onion & saute in olive oil until browned. Coat casserole dish with non stick spray. Put beans, hot dog, sauteed onion & BBQ sauce in casserole dish. Sprinke with desired amount of salt. Toss all ingredients until well coated. Cover with foil and cook for about 20 minutes longer so flavors soak into each other well. Serve with sliced bread if desired. Mmmm Tasty!
*Health note: Dried beans are healthier than canned beans because there is no added sodium as in canned, or BPA which is commonly found in the lining of the can itself.
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