Luke 1:28 'And having come in, the angel said to her, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" '
Wow. Who wouldn't want God saying that about them?! I know I sure do. In this passage, the angel Gabriel is greeting Mary, soon to be virgin mother of Jesus. The word blessed has several meanings in the ancient Greek. In this Greek translation the word is eulogeo, meaning to speak well of. Now, stop for a second and think about how this verse pertains to you. Let it really sink in. In what area of your life is the Lord, your Father speaking well of? Now, think of your children and how you praise them. There is a parallel here. I was just boasting to my husband about our son's ability to say the words 'shoe & poop' and how our daughter now sings along to the radio. Pretty simple right? How can I NOT speak well over my children? Same goes for you and God. While I have not been greeted by angels, or had an immaculate conception, I believe God can say the same about an ordinary mommy of two children who is certainly not perfect, but tries to love well.
awwwww, "shoe and poop!?" hey i need to be informed of these things! i didn't know my lil grand baby boy had a vocabulary now!! love it! and yes you most certainly DO love well!