Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Miracle Believing Mommy

Luke 1:37 'For with God nothing will be impossible.'

Mary was approached by the angel Gabriel with the message that this virgin woman was about to conceive the Son of God. Now stop and imagine yourself in Mary's shoes. She, like any woman would do in this situation, asked 'How?!'. Gabriel reassured her, 'For with God nothing will be impossible.' Wow. NOTHING?? Really God?? YES! Isn't that exciting?! Now here's the kicker for me, 'with God.' I don't know about you, but I tend to think I am Super Woman some days, trying to accomplish everything in my own strength. This usually leaves me spun out, frustrated and more exhausted than I should be by the time my head falls heavy on my pillow. Between heaping piles of stinky stained laundry, exploding poopy diapers, and standing in line at the store catching dirty looks while my children grab packs of gum off the shelf, pulling each others hair-I have some intense days. But WITH GOD, things would be so much easier. He wants to be in all the moments, especially the hard ones, no matter the size. Why? Because He is God who specializes in making the impossible possible. Now the string of events I described are tedious and meaningless when stood up next to things like sickness and tragedy. Have faith and ask for help. Look where it got Mary, mommy to the Son of God. Do you believe in His miracle working power? Hebrews 13:8 tells us, ' Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today in forever.' Therefore, the same miracle working power that God used in Mary's life, applies to you and I this very moment. If you aren't convinced, talk to God about it. I bet He's waiting with a smile.

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