Friday, July 20, 2012

Crazy Good Love

Have you ever heard the phrase, 'You can't choose love, love chooses you' ? I wonder about this. I met my husband when we were in the 6th grade. He was my boyfriend with whom I would hold hands in between classes, kiss at the bus zone at days end, and meet at the skating rink where he wrapped his arms around me. Then life went on, boys came and went, and we ran into each other again at the age of 20. I got butterflies from a guy that I knew when I was 12. As crazy as that sounds, within one month of that we were living together. We had a very long hard life for the next four years based on bad choices that did everything possible to break us. But, despite of all the darkness in our lives, I still loved him, and that kept the light on for me. We then met Jesus and our lives turned right side up as we learned how to love each other the way God loves us. Today my husband turns 30 and it has brought me to reflect on all of this crazy love. If anyone ever told me where I would be at this moment, I would have thought they were crazier than the life I lived. Regardless, love endures the test of time. So far, we have passed the test, always learning, always loving. My husband ROCKS and I love him crazy good. Happy Birthday Babe!

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