Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Simple Eggless Banana Muffins

I do not always have eggs in the fridge since organic eggs tend to be pretty pricey, but I love to bake. So, I have been playing with recipes and now have this yummy one to share. I like mini muffins because they are a great size for snacks & children alike. It is also super easy to make vegan if you choose & very versatile!

Yields 48 mini muffins

2 1/4 C All Purpose Flour
1 C Sugar
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp salt
3 Very Large, Very Ripe Bananas
3/4 C Milk
1 Tbs Vinegar
1 Stick Butter
1 Tsp Vanilla
1 Hand Full Chocolate Chips (optional)
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon (optional)

Set oven to 350. Mix first 5 ingredients together. Mash bananas well in separate bowl. In a third bowl, pour milk & add vinegar. Let mixture stand 5 minutes. Then add softened butter, vanilla & milk mixture to bananas. Stir well and combine all ingredients. Fill muffin cups to top, bake about 15 minutes, or until the edges brown a bit & you smell bananas in the air. Voila!

*If you would like to make this recipe vegan, use any milk substitute you choose, and 1/2  C coconut butter in place of stick butter.
* TIP: Using super ripe bananas allows the surprisingly low amount of sugar in this recipe, 1 Cup, compared to other recipes due to its natural sweetness. Also, if you are ever short an egg in a baking recipe, you can substitute 1 mashed banana or 1 Cup applesauce to accomplish the same purpose.

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