Sunday, July 15, 2012

Organic Kroger Scores

This week at Kroger you can stock up on organic grapes for $1.99 lb and organic cherries at $2.00 lb! If you enjoy a nice cool glass of white wine on a summer's day, freeze some grapes and use them as ice cubes to keep your white wine cool yet not diluted. Also, I am sure you are aware of Kroger Manager's Specials. Well, I just discovered if you purchase a reduced Manager's Special item and it rings up full price, you get your item FREE. As a result, I stocked up on organic canned corn for FREE! Needless to say, I left Kroger with a smile on my face today! What deals have you found that are totally share worthy? 

1 comment:

  1. Yummy frozen grape ice cubes!!! Had some recently at a friends house! loved em! wish we had Kroger here because i love cherries but last time i looked they were about 5 bucks a pound! Needless to say, i didn't purchase them and I did NOT leave my store with a smile on my face.
